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Posts posted by T_R_O_N

  1. As mero has previously stated, whenever a thread of this nature seems to pop up, i suddenly remember how many ch.0 heads are closet racists at best.




    fuck yall seriously


    Im certainly sure that half of the bile you ass hats are spewing would never come out of your mouth in the presence of any person of color.


    gotta love the anonymity of the internet.

  2. Someone said upper class white people drink this shit? No way, the only people I see drinking it are ghetto people, bums and hipsters and my white trash ex convict buddy who drinks them everyday like water. He talked me into trying one the other day, the blue one, man it was fucking disgusting. Like a melted slurpee with cheap grain alcohol in it. And to the person who asked where else can you get 12% alcohol for 2 bucks;



    12% for $1.29, which along with 4loko is the most common can i see on the ground in my girlfriends bum infested alley.


    on the contrary, all i see are drunken bros,TPWFs,and a bunch of white people drink this shit. i have yet to see black people drink this shit, im calling shenanigans.


    i took two sips of the watermelon...two sips mind you, and i can only imagine that this is what the rain in hell tastes like. pure masochists the lot of you who enjoy this shit.

  3. none of my friends from highschool were musicians...


    but im pretty sure a good lot of my friends are going to go on to become


    leading figureheads in politics,science, and media


    now for me.... i have no idea what the fuck im doing anymore. undeclared sophomore in college with no idea what i want to pursue anymore.

  4. word, the drive wont bother me crack. i wont say i can shred my ass off, but im comfortable on my board and have a few tricks up the sleeve. but if by shredding your ass off you mean always trying to go as fast as possible, than yes i shred my ass off haha.


    so anybody from DC here? that pool at that Green Lab place looks awesome. on concrete disciples some comment says its in a shit neighborhood, the other says that the person was just scared cause its a black neighborhood haha.. so i dunno, its a good skate from where im gonna be. got no problem if it is a black neighborhood or if its not the best neighborhood, but i mean if i skate all the way over there just to find out its a shit neighborhood and to have some dudes try and jack my shit im gonna visibly upset ha. so im just wondering if i should make the hike.


    the bowl you are talking about is near rhode island metro station..


    its chill, snoke a brunt, skate, but the fool saying its a shit neighborhood probably is an herb and doesn't belong in that area anyway...




























































































  6. my oh my, how 12 oz has become the hub for some straight ignorance ....


    besides that though, shit like this amazes me. there are tons of things that i could think of that need legislation, but this out of all the things is on the top pedestal?

  7. So me and 12oz's own Hydrogen Peroxide were grabbing a burger before we hit the bar, and I feel a piece get lodged in my throat. I drink some beer to try and wash it down but it just sits there in my throat and I realize I can't breath. I start motioning to him that I'm choking and I think he thought I was joking until I kind of threw up a little bit of foamy beer. He asks me if I'm seriously choking and I nod, asks if I need the Heimlich and I nod, so we both stand up and he just cranks on me and I just feel everything just whoosh down my throat. It's a good job he was there and new what he was doing because the twinks working the counter just stood there watching and would clearly have been no help at all. We both remained remarkably calm throughout and the whole thing started and ended within about 30 seconds. Then we got drunk. Just thought I'd share because it's only now just sinking in that I could have very easily died last night. So thanks HP.


    Remember to chew your food people!



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  8. at the end of the day, this man still has more money and probably enjoys a very comfortable life than any of us could imagine.


    i dont care for his work, but hey nigga is making it in the world.


    granted monetary wealth is in no shape or form a good dictator of happiness in life, but im just sayin'; this guy could wake up and decide to fly to some country and chill whenever he pleases.

  9. i can stomach watchin the clip, and the aftermath, but it makes ya wonder, WHAT THE FUCK would I do if that shit happened and I saw it go down in real life. like wtf do you do?





    " yo man, uhhhh, you allllmost made it. "








    "so I got you this COMMAND Z shirt, dont ya wish you could..... ehh forget it"


    after seeing someone get hit by a metro train going at high speed up close, nothing really bothers you. the gruesome crunch you here as the victims limbs are liquefied and flailing body parts are seen popping off the torso as if it was some cheap action figure really makes you feel numb to anything remotely gory.

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