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Everything posted by pointman

  1. i don't know how anyone would think this was a good date movie. it was good up intil the end.
  2. i used to eat breakfast at this irish bar where they served beer with tomato juice. sounded really bad but was actually ok.
  3. fuck i must really be getting to be an old fart. i see a drew posted and i think of drew cbs-fly id. i see a war posted and think war ftl. wolf tfp, hello!?! yet these aren't the real ones. am i the only one?
  4. ^^^fuck, people think going over the numbers is the cool thing to do nowadays. idiots
  5. hahahah...this dumb ass really made me laugh out loud!
  6. making money off stupid shit sounds pretty american to me.....sever needs to open HIS eyes
  7. Re: fire up the hate machine there isnt really anything even decent in this entire thread....bad walls...bad freights...and even worse tattoo. i'm going to enjoy you regretting that for the rest of your life. :shakehead: :shakehead:
  8. Re: Freight Kings From Everywhere i love how someone would consider host a fr8 king. kid has maybe a hundred trains total :scrambled: :scrambled: :scrambled:
  9. both the K and the E are pretty dead on bites. too bad those are the only letters they have in common because beks needs to bite a new B...his is pretty hurt the proof is in the pics *and here's a footnote for other's trying to get fame online: don't bite real bombers and then post it as your main pic on a site like 'myspace'. it just shows you're wack
  10. i be dickriding...? :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:
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