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rubbish heap two

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Posts posted by rubbish heap two

  1. oh, the joys of track stands... i just got them the other day, now they're a zen-like pleasure, when you get that sweet spot where you can just balance in place without any forward or back pedal...


    skid stopping is a zen-like thing too where my mind just leaves me and goes to some higher place, but i'll be damned if it doesn't fuck your tires / chain ring / chain faster then getting hit by a car...


    anyone got some of that neato fixie nerd shit down like backwards circles or side skids / swing skids? i think backwards circles are next on the agenda to try to learn...

  2. I've heard Pet Sounds and Smile.. I wasn't referring to you specifically in my post above KOH, more like some of these kids being like "beatles are fags". But yeah sorry I blurred that line with the Beach Boys name drop but you gotta admit they were influenced by more bands then "just" the BB's.

  3. I'm confused. Are you mad at me for making "valid points" in a debate?


    For a while I tried posting that video where the two dogs are fucking and the one throws up everywhere, but everyone got mad about it. If you want, I'll just start making comments about peeing in people's butts.



    One more valid point though: The Velvet Underground is the best band of the era in question anyway.


    Well yeah, the VU was a hell of a band, influential to way more genres then they probably would have liked, and were doing the opposite of everyone else at the time. But with one amazing debut album, one pretty good follow up, and two poppy, post-Cale albums after that, I don't know about calling them the BEST. I'd put them in the top 5. But man, so many good bands of that era... like THE DOORS!


    Oh and on that note, I swear some of you kids have only heard Help! and a few other early poppy songs by the Beatles to say that all they wanted to do was be like the Beach Boys and that the Beatles is for fags... LISTEN TO THE WHITE ALBUM OR SGT. PEPPER DOUCHEBAGS!

  4. That's a crock of shit. They were just the first band to be over hyped to the level that they were and still are. Everything they were doing was just in keeping with the times and similar to other shit out at the time. Led Zepplin had far more influence than the Beatles. The Imigrant Song was the first metal song for crying out loud.


    Ya know, no offense but did you actually listen to any of the Beatles last few albums? Magical Mystery Tour, White Album, Abbey Road, Sgt. Pepper, all that? Fuck being overhyped, their early shit was overhyped but their later shit deserves the press, all classics.


    I mean LZ influenced rock, Beatles influenced music. Both great bands, in the end they're uncomparable...

  5. There is hardly a piece of contemporary music to be found, regardless of genre, that hasn't been influenced directly or indirectly by the work of the Beatles. The same can't be said about Led Zeppelin, whose influence, though far-reaching, isn't as broad as the Beatles. In terms of rock and traditional band-based music, Led Zep is probably much more important. But the Beatles' legacy lives on in almost every facet and genre of popular music. The Beatles are by far the single most influential musical group ever. I don't think any other band comes even close.


    That said, I'd rather listen to Led Zeppelin.


    This is the most on point post but I'd rather listen to the Beatles. I love both bands, and yeah they really aren't comparable but both have so much influence but NOBODY can touch what the Beatles did for music, and so many genres of music at that. I mean, let's look at the White Album, you got Helter Skelter that sounds like a punk song out of 1967 with the thrashing guitar, you got Revolution 9, some of the most tripped out sound collage shit, you got Happiness is a Warm Gun, some ironic sounding poppy riff with darker lyrics, you've got Long, Long, Long, some really slow stuff with a artsy interlude, and that's just a few of the songs. Zeppelin had some good stuff too, but when you look at LZ 1-4 vs. the last 4 or 5 Beatles albums, LZ 1-4 sounds more of the same compared to the Beatles just breaking so much new territory on every album up to Abbey Road. Not to say LZ 1-4 al sound the same but you get my drift.


    Anyways yeah, LZ vs. Sabbath would be a better comparison but I'd put LZ above in that case.


    Beatles vs. Stones? Come on, Stones don't have shit on the darker side of rock & roll compared to the Velvet Underground (Heroin and I'm Waiting for the Man come to mind), and the VU was at their prime right at the height of the flower and love movement of the hippies, doing the complete opposite...

  6. i dont think you get more respect if you ride without a brake, i just think you get dissed if you ride with one.


    yeah i guess that's one of the same though. but i do see a few messengers that have front brakes, definitely no majority of course. if you dont mind if i ask, do you have brakes on yours seeking?

  7. regarding fixies...


    is it possible to convert any road bike to a fixed gear bike? I have two old schwinn road bikes that were given to me, i dont think either had been ridden in at least five years. I tore one completely down. the idea is to take the better parts of each and make a ridable bike. so i have been considering converting the other to a fixed gear bike. If the conversion is possible are the parts readily available? how much an i going to have to spend? and is a fixie really that much better for city riding? is it difficult to get used to riding one? and how does the slowing down stopping part work?


    well seeking answered the other questions but. i think fixies are funnest in downtown traffic when every block is a race to beat the stoplight. with the gear ratio i have my bike in, it's pretty good for riding up hills and decent for riding down hills. going down hills is really the main thing that takes getting used to because your feet will pedal fast as hell, but if you need to slow down there's ways around it like putting a little back pressure on and riding in a slalom. doesn't work so well when there's cars in front and behind you on a busy hill. the whole not coasting thing doesn't take much effort, maybe a bit more energy at first but if i ride any other bike now i'm just used to pedaling and coasting feels 'wrong' at first. as far as long straight forward commutes on fixed gears (like 10+ miles on a bike path), i've done it and it's not so much fun on a fixed, i'd rather have a single speed for that. you know you don't have to ride a brakeless fixed, you just get way more respect if you do. but the brakeless thing does get impractical if you ride anywhere where there's traffic lights at the bottom of the hills.

  8. yeah, minocycline was exactly the shit i was referring to when i said antibiotics are bad times. my friend has been on them for months, looks much worse then ever. same thing happened to me so i got off them. but i guess short term wouldn't be too big of a deal, just watch yourself.

  9. well, it's better then taking countless antibiotics and ruining all the delicate balances of your body (ever wonder why antibiotics give you hardcore diarrhea?)


    but lens, didn't you already take that shit? i thought one course gets you good to go for life.

  10. hey im looking for a pretty cheap single speed, hopefully second hand, if any one has any suggestions or predictions on how much thats gonna set me back tell me please


    if you already have a road bike, just take off the front/rear deraileur, gear levers, and get a chain tool to shorten the chain to appropriate length. bingo.


    or do all that and buy a new rear wheel with a flip flop hub for some real fun.

  11. I have come to the conclusion that weed is the stupidest drug out there, barely effects you, and you stilll wind up wasting mad money on it, and basically belongs in a salad or something and not in a blunt, to be smoked away. Fuck weed so much why is it so hyphied?


    do you got a crazy tolerance to it or something? it effects you pretty nice if you smoke some decent weed and aren't a complete 24/7 stoner. i never pay for my shit either way.

  12. Fixies are a bit of fun though. Basically see it as a bike perfect for riding in downtown traffic... not too fun for long, straight stretches of road with no traffic, but downtown it's like a game.

  13. SAM-002.jpg

    White tea (Adam's Peak-$255 for 16oz). For those with more expensive taste and have a more sophisticated pallet.


    Yesss... taooftea.com. White tea is quality, my personal favorite. Usually get it $3-6 an oz. Not too bad.

  14. no, coffee IS shit.

    english breeakfast 4evar.


    yeah see, i love green and white tea but i'd gladly accept straight 151 over english breakfast tea, and that's even if drinkin the 151 led to no intoxication whatsoever hahaha.


    grinding beans should be mandatory, otherwise coffee is beyond stale. then again i'm spoiled, but i don't drink coffee too often anyway to make it matter. shit only takes 30 seconds out of your morning routine anyway though.

  15. Na.jpg




    MSG too :)


    i mean, i just ate a (previously frozen) pizza and a bunch of (previously dehydrated) ice cream at work and shit too... but fuck, real food always tastes better end of story. fresh ingredients is where it's at whether it's a pizza or a creme brulee. yanahmean.


    i don't know if you guys have ever made spaghetti before but... its fucking easy. takes maybe 10 more minutes then what it does to make ramen if you buy a sauce like prego? yeppppp.

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