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Everything posted by josefstrat@yahoo.com

  1. And i didn't even mess with the quote.
  2. SO anyways, how about some criticism on the drawings of the name, not the name itself?
  3. I can truthfully say i didn't look at SAKE's throwup when drawing mine. I just thought it was a really generic throwie style, and i'm not really good at drawing throwies, so i just went with an easy option for now, maybe develop my own a little later, since i like piecing more anyways. And i'veseen a million throwies in that style. And to TANGO 24, At first i was going to writ FANE, but i looked it up, and found someone already writes it. And i found out i like to draw K's, so i lust switched a letter in the name. I've also never seen a SAKE piece, so i don't think his style would influence mine much anyways.
  4. I think the R is too far behind the Y. I would suggest drawing yer pieces from the bottom of the page, those are always easier for me.I like your T, but you seem to have trouble wif R's and Y's. Just practice more.
  5. I think what 808 TaGGa is talking about is the A4 printer paper, you can prolly get it at office depot or kinkos.
  6. The "K" kinda looks like an "R" om this one, but i still like it. And somethin i did on paint when i was bored.:D
  7. TYR? I don't get it. But you like it, so whatever. And that CRAVE is pretty nice, except the color scheme really throwes you off.
  8. Ok, i can already see progress with you, so i'll guess i'll give a little more suggestions. Do you actually like the letters in the name REFLEX? Or did you pick it because it sounded cool? Either way, i dont really like the name too much(kinda toyish), so i would tell you to just start drawing random words, or just different combinations of letters, until you find letters you really like to draw, and THEN turn those letters into a name you like to write. And keep in mind your tag doesn't even have to be a real word.
  9. ^^^Since yer here, what kinda markers you use?
  10. your 3-d is really good for just starting out(on the blue drawing). And the fade is pretty good on this^^^one. just work on your letter structure a bit more(REALLY simple letters, like the ones on your keyboard)
  11. your 3-d is really good for just starting out(on the blue drawing). And the fade is pretty good on this^^^one. just work on your letter structure a bit more(REALLY simple letters, like the ones on your keyboard)
  12. your 3-d is really good for just starting out(on the blue drawing). And the fade is pretty good on this^^^one. just work on your letter structure a bit more(REALLY simple letters, like the ones on your keyboard)
  13. Hey SKIRMFIRM and GASM, what kind of markers do you guys use? And do they fade out in the sun?
  14. I ordered some caps from artprimo and i got'em 2 days later. I also ordered 2 markers, an OTR paint marker and a Hard-to-Buff,but i haven't got the HTB yet, and its been at least 3 weeks.I think a couple pages back someone said that molotow was havin' some legal troubles or somethin', so i wouldn't order an HTB from them.
  15. ^^^Steve is like a doctor phil of graffiti. Kinda.
  16. There's this new thing called GOOGLE, i dont know if you've heard of it, but it might help you out.
  18. I think it would look really good if you styled the letters to look more the "E", less straight edges, more curves.
  19. Are yall gonna tell me what you think of my drawling?
  20. Hey Quadra, is there any way i can save the pic after its edited without paying for the premium service crap?Cause i edited one before and posted it, but it aint showin no more.
  21. ANY OF YOU NIGGAS WANNA TELL ME HOW TO RESIZE THE GOTDAMN PICS? And what do yall think of my drawling?:D
  22. Oh yeah how do you resize pictures on here?
  23. I was just sayin that there's probably not a combination of four letters that hasn't been taken by some other writer. I don't see anything wrong with a guy writing OPES if you write OPUS. There's a whole letter difference. Now maybe if you were a famous writer, it would be different.And I ain't tryin' to talk crap, I'm was just tryin' to get a point across.
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