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Posts posted by Smacky636

  1. They are all basically smartphones. All very similar, with the main distinguishing feature being the touchscreen (which is pretty gay and gimmicky IMO).


    I want it because it has everything possible I want/need in a phone.


    besides having a better megapixel camera and flash, compared to the G1, and not having a touchscreen or having the flow technology compared to the Palm Pre, or the hardware the iphone has. why still you choice. w/o all the cool bells and whistles why pick the nokia?


    i mean aren't the bells and whistle what people want out of their phones? what advantages do you see this phone having over the 3? disadvantages?


    Touch screen, i wouldn't say is gay, gimmicky at first but now it's becoming industry standard. the Storm didn't need it and that phone was geared towards the working class who needed to be plugged in, not someone who just wanted a touch screen cuz the iphone had pushed it to standard...

  2. E72. Getting this as soon as it comes out.


    you would consider that in the same class of direct competition between the G1/MyTouch/Touch Pro2, iPhone, Palm Pre, & Storm?


    to me the E72 looks more like competition with BB's..


    Why do you want it?

  3. I'm actually in the market for a new phone. I need a good phone for work, so I consulted my buddies who work for T-Mobile and they suggested I try out the BlackBerry 8900 or MyTouch. I'm sold on the MyTouch and I should have one pretty soon - I'm looking into the root shit. Hero looks pretty slick.


    i never really got into the blackberries... The MyTouch is cool but is lacking the Qwerty keyboard if that really matters to you. You can root the MyTouch right out of the box which is cool cuz hackers haven't been able to unlock the Palm Pre yet. HTC has been know for leaving backdoors into there products.. Apple on the otherhand pushed their phones, too the market and then plugged up the holes in the dike.


    If you have time, sit on your bankroll til the Touch Pro 2 comes out. It's gonna come with a Windows based operating system, well thats the specs for now. I'm very happy with the Android OS, i just haven't had anytime to actually sit down and root the phone, theme it and all the good stuff. I worked 100hours this week at work on top of being sick..


    FB, goto http://www.androidcommunity.com, thats where you can start your research for rooting the HTC's. Actually lemme PM you what one of the mod's over there hooked me up with, brb...

  4. iphone is dope but hella taboo.


    i bought a 32g ipod touch so i can still use kool istuff. but i use a bberry for telephonoh./email/life.


    Taboo and exactly why i will never buy one. Especially the fact the owners think the phone is the world and a bag of chips. Unfortunately, they are sadly mistaken..


    why use 2 devices when the G1 can do both for you. Not 2 mention you can hook up whatever service you want to it..

  5. i wish more people could open up their eyes and see this. I'll do it it but i personally think that there are way too many sheep out their for corporate to care if the wide-eyed people stop purchasing...

  6. Color Scheme, Stolen




    - graduated college, i hold 2 seperate degrees. 1 in Fine Arts, the other don't worry about

    - drove cross country starting in Vancover

    - been to Canada multiple times

    - Snowboarded Mont Tremblant

    - Been to Loretta Lynn's Ranch in Tennessee for the Dirt Bike Nationals

    - tried everything thing under the sun except, crack & various reseach shit

    - Swam with Baracudas (not the smartest idea)

    - didn't have a legal job for 2 years of my life, but was employeed

    - been arrested more times than i can remember

    - totalled a car

    - taught myself to ride a motorcycle, brand new, right outta my driveway

    - have topped my motorcycle out at 170-180mph, late night highway runs

    - i can count on 2 hands how many times i should have died by now

    - Fired guns

    - i just ate sushi

    - had coffee

    - slept a 24 hr period before

    - been up for days, with and without chemical help

    - held 3 jobs at once



    Have Not


    - been to Europe, Asia, or South America

    - been married

    - shot or stabbed

    - locked up behind bars

    - cared about serious shit in good amount of time now




    done for now, more to come...



    ** side note my "Have Not" section is smaller, i guess cuz, i dont care and i do what i want.

  7. sorry to be negative, but alot of you brag about lame shit.


    nobody is really bragging in the sense, the topic basically calls the poster to recite instances in their lives that pertain to things they HAVE / HAVE NOT done... i though you knew, homie??? :confused:

  8. Hmmmm...Stud Kickass's email addy would elude to them being a former well known 12ozer (in Channel Zero).



    Lesson: never use your old screen name as part of your email address.


    quick work Boj!!

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