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mike swells

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  1. caught this this past weekend in a city far from where i'm from. it's almost like i expect to see these cats up no matter where i am. redonk.
  2. Re: Child-dam. r.i.p. this guy spend some time in boston in the mid to late 90's?
  3. that's a good 80' drop onto a rock-filled construction site below. top level of the highway is unfinished... insane spot when you see it in real life.
  4. stolen from the buffed thread
  5. i can't remember... that character was the only part of the wall that really grabbed my attention
  6. flicks from my trip to MTL last year...
  7. when i was just some punk kid taking the redline from the suburbs to school in dorchester, i always had my eyes plastered on the walls beyond the windows of the train. teaze (and dance) was pointed out to me by a couple of kids i used to skate with, and from that day on everywhere i looked - there he was. i was too young at that time to tap into the scene - it was just beyond my reach, even though i saw his early work on the same south shore walls i was practicing on. but then i moved away and lost touch with my hometown. now i'm back and i'm seeing r.i.p. teaze all over. so i looked to google for the answers, and this is what i've found. sending respect and love to this cat.
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