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Everything posted by bouncingsoul

  1. Non graffiti shit lately pshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  2. Haha this just sort of got killed by nothing. Anyway I'm at college now so I'm not at home so don't send anything there. And I don't have a camera right now. Shit.
  3. I want to have a sketchbook sent to me..
  4. Barely nothing. Will have more.
  5. Hello peeps. I have NOT sketched in a LONG WHILE. Well I mean I've been sketching characters and stuff. I'll just post some of those later, since that's all I've got at the moment. Characters and simples.. Will be doing something crazier with letters today, hopefully. Psyched!
  6. Satire and Note... Working on a bigger and better Note. This is like the 50th Note simple I've done
  7. Sev you big lump of poo Ay Bee See Es!
  8. Been working on sketches for Sev and Note Also, old Satire sketch from like last summer I think hah
  9. I'm not jewish... I just found that on the ground at school and thought it was cool. Seriously
  10. Slightly graffiti related Fuck color
  11. Don't think I posted this here, did I? Letters sucked
  12. Yep, glad you noticed the book. Made a trip to Michael's today. $5 sketchbook and racked 5 Microns and some India ink (just for fun... Maybe I'll use it in a marker). I also found a bunch of Prismas that I racked like 2 years ago, when I just started writing. Maybe I'll use them experimentally
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