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Everything posted by dusetwo

  1. in-fucking-sane. i like.
  2. that joint echo kicked is doppppeee
  3. im liking the style youve had going lately. keep it up man its lookin good.
  4. i dont know how i feel about the large extensions on the bottom. could be because im lookin at it sideways. regardless, it looks dope
  5. bsly thats fucking insane dope and tesk that shit is on fucking point
  6. filter that style is funky as fuck
  7. dusetwo


    those bayta throws were nice
  8. doesix that shit is fucking dope
  9. seriously, goes putting down some fucking consistent dopeness
  10. all your peices are fucking dope, love the style. that splatter/spray shit is awesome. is that watercolor?
  11. shin that shit is dope work in progress, havnt been all that motivated.
  12. seriously yo, people need to learn the history of this shit. mpc is on some og status.
  13. dusetwo


    those mi's are dope
  14. vims ive seen a few character sketches in your posts. they are fucking dope. do you have any colored/finished characters?
  15. dusetwo


    takingrisksdaily that throw is fucking nice
  16. wes your shit is ill, you got any work on paper? id be interested to see that.
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