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Everything posted by desism_ktc

  1. actually its: cc starboard bow this is it..this is it..this is it..here we go here we go this is it this is it this is it but i applaud your effort
  2. Kind of like Star Wars, there's good guys and bad guys and they want to take control of the Subway universe, plus a lot of annoying clankity robots..
  3. Graffiti is the application of a medium to a surface. Don't you have Style Wars memorized? or are you deaf too?
  4. What about an apprenticeship program? I need some help with outlines and those damn freight bars and ridges..
  5. Where do I pay my dues at? Is there a Graffiti Union? Do we get holidays off? Sign me up...
  6. seen spawns... :lol: :lol:
  7. whatch u know about that whatch u know about that.... moms
  8. DOPE flicks sicr kolen gyser kerse aser kwest
  9. running over a decade...
  10. slamma jamma stolen of course..
  11. awww shit another north and south proddy.... byas sour shoyu sicr suga guts dezem sean by kolen? man and the summer isn't even here yet... props my brothers...
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