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Everything posted by desism_ktc

  1. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff cousin frank at his craft...
  2. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff aww shit cavvy cavs with the me myself and I... and DEE from the 6...
  3. I once bought a plastic storage tub that much to my surprise had 37 cans of rusto as a bonus which I was unaware of. But the best was the stand up paint rack that was violently corrosive to over 310 cans of krylon and rusto that I had to liberate by means a Caldor's workers smock and a green Cutlass Supreme... ah the good ol' days...
  4. greesy lol... go Giants... I fucking hate the Pats as much as I hate the redSux... ugh..
  5. holy shit when was graffiti illegal?? when did this happen.. it makes perfect sense to me now, yes.. go BIG BLUE in the frozen tundra of Lambeau....
  6. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff omni chow had many panels running..underrated pieces for the time but fresh as ever..
  7. fame city..i love(d) that place...
  8. didn't see this posted.. stolen benched from the lone star state...
  9. bump that steel.. sicr gyser fowl syke nice moms w the avian flu... what was on the left of that moms.. im stoned and can't really see too well..
  10. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff nice additions timo... emte --- i heard of him but haven't met him..you should pm that type of questioning tho..imo..anyway no I don't..
  11. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff its called build up for a book lol.... i would love to get one person from every borough from that time because no matter how much i have from the 2 4 5 6 lines theres got to be some people that have the same from the bmt's. ind's etc... but we are all old and crabby and yes we are holding out lol.... epmd i replied to ya...
  12. nice flix birdman won.. everybody got caught on that one...
  13. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff i refuse to let this thread go away...
  14. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff stolen from: http://gettinup.homestead.com/
  15. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff i believe that was a Nail jr on the platform.... plus the boobie tag on the car from SOD....among others
  16. ^^^^ bem you beat me too it lol... bump the wst production and go big blue...
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