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Posts posted by Jelser

  1. Got a question for any of you guys that know a thing or two about commuters and cleans,

    If one were to have an oppurtunity to stay a semester some where in Europe where would your top picks be? Taking into consideration where I could bench the most running panels, have fun, nice women weather food etc. Germany Italy France? Any input would be appreciated.


    France, i would say, i stayed in Grenoble, a fairly big city and caught loads of panels running by the station. the yards there are fairly easy if you have a tad of expperience (and common sense).

    The ultimate place, i have heard from a mate who's been there is the Czech Republic, some ppl on here could correct me if im wrong, but eastern european countries are often much easier and laxed tthan the US and western Europe.


    Hope that helps:eek:

  2. evryone has been a right dick to this kid, yes it's a fucking toy'd question and admittedly i laughed when i first read it, but even so, if you have a major station with lines running "up and down the country" there should be a few sidings there, which isn't a yard, but the odd 3-4 commuters will be resting there over night. if not. go to a mates house who lives in a big town city for the night. during the day go to the train station, look for parked trains, if not walk down the side of the tracks until you come to them. ask to go out at night with him (or without if he's not down with graff and crime). then paint them. you idiot

  3. i live in u.k and have no idea what half of these ingredients are , can some1 give me a recipe. I have access to grog, nero ,break fluid , paint thinner , spraypaint , linseed oil,



    and would iodine help my ink stain?


    I'm not going to call you a toy for asking cos i hate it when people strat to call people toys without a decent reason.


    I also live in the UK, and had the same probelm. The guy above has said the good things but they're hard to get hold of. Mix inferno or corio, they are the toughest stainers. Put in a tad of nail polish remover, literally a few drops. Then add in a couple of drops of iodine. Add in about 5 drop of gentian violet. mix it all up. shake it around, make sure everythings together. Finally add in leather dye, from shoe shops (not clarks, more like shoe repair/ cobblers). mix that in. brilliant for train insides, the beige/ off white plastic they use for the inside is excellent for things to stain it :)


    Tried and tested, it works!! ;)

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