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Everything posted by quadra666

  1. looks cool hybrid. nice job.
  2. not finished yet.... i think i might fill it in with orange, but im not sure, should i just leave it any better than the last one?
  3. hows this look? sorry vare, i tried that sausage thing u mentioned earlier. i dont mean to bite, just learnin is all.... the left leg of the "a" ended up lookin a bit weird but what else is wrong with it besides that
  4. kaotic, it looks fancy and all but vare is right the 3D is way fuct up
  5. bone and amsone, looks good... ams, i like the first one pull the letters closer together on the third one?
  6. hahaha it does kind of look like cauiliflower dude :eek:
  7. looks good vare. maybe make the V a tad bit bigger too? i dunno just suggesting....
  8. are those sposed to be clouds? if u put them together i think it may look cool on a frisbee i guess... bit of a lite blue theme, lol... not bad not bad
  9. before u say it, it IS lined up i just scanned it crooked.... and i know, i probably should have skipped the little faces in the A and O.... ....... ...
  10. thanks zeph, the whole being drunk thing just makes me want to crank them out all fast... ill take more time on this next one
  11. what do you mean by that, do u know what masochism is? and i was just fuckin with the letters, dont even know fo sho what im gonna write at all and hey, u hvaent posted shit, lets see how good u are before u talk all that shit. ur prolly still better than me but thats not the point....
  12. ignore the crap on the top, i was too lazy to remove it. any feedback yet...?
  13. looks pretty good rks... any input on my last few, anyone?
  14. the grey is mettalic silver but i didnt scan right also, the black mark on the right end is from another doodle, its not part of it how does that look, should i stick to "gein" or try "maso" more? does someone already write maso?
  15. some dumb candy cane lookin shit, i know it sucks but are the letters that bad too or just the colors?
  16. i think u kind of missed my point but whatever its cool.
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