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Everything posted by quadra666

  1. hypergraphia, your letters seem to shrink as they go. work on it. Twenty Z DOT ORG ^^ a B.
  2. Resca. your letters go blocky, blocky, round round blocky.......
  3. the fuck did you bump that garbage for??
  4. who gives a fuck? its who this thread is for........
  5. ive been here for a while but i never post...... ive had like 15 accounts. haha
  6. your stuff's coming along alright neuro, your r looks a bit awkward though. here's some sketches ive does the last few days... and yes its a penis.. if you see it..
  7. awwh man.. i have when i dont know if people suck... cnue.................... nevermind...
  8. garbage ten minute battle sketch.
  9. s'all rubbish. work on more simple letters.
  10. YES THANK YOU! lol. i just thought i was the only one that thought tht
  11. the dude writes baSe. i write baZeR. kinda like when some writes morn and someone else writes morne. iono. but ive been thinkin of a name change since i started writing. haha...
  12. oh, well k, here it is again just for you but with some 3d on it. :D
  13. uhh.. ok.. maybe i should do the e lowercase next time or the a uppercase... i donno.. heres another one..
  14. you just gotta work on some cleaner fill ins and doing your shadow in the the right place. here's something:
  15. i'll organize this shit if yall want. its up to you. vote on it or soemthing hahaha... for real though it needs to be organized like Starz had it, and im willing to do that so... whatevers whatever if people agree then it starts with the fish character battle, from then on alternating thru words and characters and themes and whatnot.
  16. i like what you did with the extensions on the bottoms of the letters on the white one on the lower part of the page
  17. someone needs to take charge and be organized about this battle thread if u guys want it to work again and people need to stop chatting about bullshit in it too and a new thread should be started instead of just rehashing this one
  18. yea i kinda dig the first one better myself but thanks for the crit
  19. some really dumb new shit ive just been kinda messing with looking for crits on it and dont tell me to go simple because i normally only do simples this is just some side shit i decided to doodle sloppy and needs work yea yea yea just wondering what people think i colored it in dim light lol thats why the yellow fill is lacking ugh and photobucket really made it all fucked up and pixelated when i resized. fuckin photobucket...
  20. lots of caps dont work the same on cheap paint, its just a fact of life either dont be cheap or experiment and figure it out ny fats make sick flares i love that shit i usually use krylon though so
  21. this one is okay but needs a bit of work here and there on every letter the other ones sucked. try for more simple letters like block letter variations
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