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Ride A Bike

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Everything posted by Ride A Bike

  1. im looking to buy a hasselblad 500cm. Anyone know a place? minus ebay, craigs, photo.net
  2. Rage- Im trying to find you. Housing advice
  3. i read, " man kills 81, then himself" DAMN, 81 people?! just an inventive old man, thats all
  4. Ride A Bike


    Has anyone used Bikes123.com in MD? They got a frame a looking at, just wondering about their reliability. Thanks
  5. ceska- i like the one of the bus. the colors are beautiful rage- why the name change? and where are your winter wonderland photoS?
  6. the blond girl in the house? those were set up. found a hot friend, choose wardrobe, location and blaaammoo thanks maaan
  7. nova- i really dig those black and white photos but they would benitit so much from just a little post processing Rage, i was wondering where you went. I am going to RIT in the summer. School starts June 2. Still not sure on the housing... I ll just pm you
  8. expired polaroid! 669 mamiya rz67 polaback
  9. Ride A Bike


    thanks rubbish. i keep yall updated on the come up
  10. Ride A Bike


    does anyone know much about bareknucles? i got a little cash from a hit and run settlment and im either going to get something japanese around $600-700. OR get a lower end frame and new wheelset. what chall think?
  11. i used the canon one that came with my 20d. loved that more than the CS2 version
  12. try the garmet district of your local big city. also, you can get a wholesale license and get shirts really cheap. but you have to buy a lot of shirfts. like minimum dozen of each kind you want. or at least thats how it works in LA. other wise try online searching, costco maybe?
  13. rage- hows the weather? ill should post stuff soon. :(
  14. thats sick. use their resources for your benifit!
  15. baleedidy- are you doing drum scans? rage- do they have a drum at RIT i can use?
  16. thanks daily! 20eyes- the one with the shadows coming through their legs is siiick
  17. mayor- on some of those, yes i was, but it was more like shooting from the chest.
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