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Posts posted by Wreck.One

  1. girls always have that I-hope-he-likes-me-so-i'm-going-to-do-anything-to-please-him attitude. I've met so many girls like that. I just don't know about a daughter. If I do end up having a girl.. no myspace under any circumstances.

  2. is the bear claw a reference to the gay tribe? I like the hats but i dont want to give the wrong impression at a gay bar or something.... It is a good design and logo, I'm always on the lookout for something not a lot of people have. i rock kangol ballcaps a lot but it gets played out.

  3. you might have to come up with an awful lot of capital to buy a parking lot. someone who owns something like that won't sell it for cheap, they know what it is worth, unless you know someone who is hooking you up or something like that. or if you are just counting on an area to explode with consumers, but you never know where that is going to be.

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