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Posts posted by Wreck.One

  1. I can't tether through USB on my mac through the standard OS tethering, I've never been able to

    get it to work on any mac, but once again plug it into a vista laptop and it recognized without doing anything


    I have to use PDAnet and WiFi an ad hoc network on my mac

    you can tether via usb by downloading the pda net desktop client @ http://www.junefabrics.com/desktop/


    blackrain aint worth a fuck.


    blackrain worked perfect for me on two diff phones running osx and windows 7.. the only thing is it doesnt give you direct access to your root files so someone wrot hfc2add (or something like that) available via cydia.

  2. co-to the -signed...


    shit...for my last job, they didnt have a piss test....it was a fuckin hair folicle test...and they took a huge chunk outta my scalp....looked like i had a little bald spot....shit was embarassing...


    thats what my job does.. and every so often they come up to our floor and get samples from random people. Im not sure what they would do if they found it though...

  3. that kid needs to know his rights.



    Thats what I am thinking.

    [regular] beat cops don't know that much about graffiti. It seems awful Ludocris that they would automatically assume that he was tagging with it.





  4. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


    Keep It Clean


    When it comes to our computers, all we tend to think about is the stuff we see on the screen — the software. Most of us tend to neglect the computer itself.


    What can you do with your computer to make it run longer? As I just mentioned above, keep it clean.


    I can't tell you the number of computers I've opened that have been clogged with dust. In fact, I've seen computers fail and have intermediate problems due to excessive dust build up. In addition, a lot of dust in your computer can cause it to run hotter than it should, shortening its life.


    So, what can you do?


    If you are brave, you can open your computer's case (unplug it first) about once every 6 months or so and blow it out with that canned air stuff (you can get it at any office supply store). Of course, be careful not to disconnect or damage anything. Make sure you blow out the power supply ( DO NOT open up the power supply unit) and the CPU fan too. Since all this dusting can make a mess, you may want to do it outside.


    Here's a shot of one of my dirty old PCs. This one uses a Pentium III processor, so its CPU fan is vertical in orientation. Your CPU fan may be flat on the board.



    Also, make sure you keep your can of compressed air upright. The propellant inside those things tends to come out when the can is inverted or at an angle, so be careful.

    Oh, if you can get some kind of good "mini-vacuum" that would be OK too. In fact, some would argue vacuums are better because compressed air can force dust deeper into the cracks and crevices of your computer.

    That said, I still like canned air better for a several reasons.

    1. I've yet to find a little vacuum that was any good. They all seem to leave a ton of dirt behind on the boards. In my opinion, if you can't get all the dirt off, what's the point?

    2. In addition, there are a lot of places that even small attachments just can't get to. Again, what's the point of cleaning if you can't get it all?

    3. I've been cleaning computers since before DOS, and have yet to actually see a problem with using canned air. In my opinion, compressed air simply removes the most dust. So, I'll stick to my little cans, you can still vacuum if you like :-)

    Finally, no matter how tempting it is, washing your computer with the help of a garden hose is always a bad idea :-)



    This is a point our IT dept drove home about at our last state wide meeting.. they were pissed.

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