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Posts posted by viperface

  1. A Pole walking along the road happens to spy a lamp. He picks it up, and as it is covered in rust he gives it quick rub. Out comes a genie.


    "I'm the genie of the lamp and I can grant you three wishes," the genie says.


    "OK," says the Pole. "I want the Chinese Army to invade Poland." Odd choice, the genie thinks, but nevertheless he grants the wish, and the Chinese Army comes all the way from China, invades, and goes back home.


    "Right, second wish. Maybe something more positive," says the genie.


    "No," replies the Pole, "I want the Chinese Army to invade again." So the Chinese come all the way from China, lay waste to more of Poland, and then go home.


    "Listen," says the genie. "You have one last wish. I can make Poland the most beautiful and prosperous place on earth."


    "If you don't mind, I want the Chinese army to invade one more time." So the Chinese army comes again, destroys what's left of Poland, and then goes home for the last time.


    "I don't understand," says the genie. "Why did you want the Chinese army to invade Poland three times?"


    "Well," replies the Pole, "they had to go through Russia six times."

  2. Propped.


    See how in the face area you can find many different colors and shapes.

    that's where observation has been most precise and instinctual. You couldn't memorize or imagine that.


    Other areas, Hair and shirt are more monochromatic and allusive. I think it's good to leave other parts less emphasized to give it a contrast of detail, and certain hierarchy.

    However when depicting materials such as hair I personally like to concentrate more on the light and "plastic" structure, rather than the actual direction of individual hairs.

    That way it stays vague when you look at it, but seems right when you look elsewhere in the canvas.


    Anyway, I have a somewhat old-school ways to think. I really wouldn't change anything in that painting. I hope you make new ones and push what you got there.

  3. Julie Mehretu.

    Ink + Acrylic on canvas.

    I'm guessing these pieces would be pretty large.
























    Stadia II

























    Grey Space




















    I love the fact you can't make all the details if you want to see the whole canvas (and vice versa).


    pics from:


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