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Posts posted by StephenHarper

  1. You're absolutely right, for now, but when the muslim world gets it together and stops chasing the American dream, look out. Muslims are passing through a rough phase now, but if you look into history you'll see that Islam was once the civilized world's superpower. That was during a time when muslims were actually practicing their religion and justice prevailed. Nowadays it's different and the muslim govts. for the most part are not following the guidanceof the quran and sunnah. You'll mostly find them dancing to the tune of washington d.c. for protection and/or aid money. The muslim world is entrenched in sin and oppression but that won't last forever, trust.


    Dawoods right on point... Mart Steyn's America Alone is a good read on the subject of Islam taking over the world. It's all about demographics.

  2. I was painting under this bridge a couple of weeks ago and got into a somewhat violent confrontation with this homeless girl. I didnt even notice she was there until she comes storming over screaming that Im "killing her fucking baby with the paint"... anyways she proceeded to chuck a couple of cans at me me full force. I just asked her how her Crystal meth was helping her baby and left.

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