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Elizabeth MontgomeryOner

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Posts posted by Elizabeth MontgomeryOner


    This pictures kinda sad

    like how can you be on top $$$ and end up carrying/swigging a bottle of hennesy straight, while walking around with your ex stripper gf in a snakeskin catsuit

    Pretty sure the same scenario goes down in anywhere america anyday


    Actually its kind of awesome


    I wonder what the louis vuitton camp thinks of such antics

    probably doe$n't matter

  2. Will there ever be another nkotb?

    Will this kid and jessie form a super duo? Like a best of both worlds pt 3

    When will lady sov drop in to do a guest 16?

    the remix?


    so many questions

    and still confused, but not as confused as screamo covers of rap songs so...

    sing your little heart out boy!

  3. butter butter butter ya'll


    food tv makes up for 90% of my tv watching habits

    5 to first 48, the other 5 to true blood


    I wish Ina Garten would adopt me or I could be her life partner

    and she could cook for me all the time while I lay in the garden

    fuck Jeffrey yo


    -no reservations, top chef, the f word, food trip with todd english, chopped, ace of cakes, dd & d (I want to base a road trip on all the destinations), Iron chef (cat cora=milf)


    Anyone else can't stand Alton Brown? I can't

    • Like 1
  4. I don't drink coffee often but when i'm staying awake from the next day into the next day, I cave in and have a latte.

    5 hours later and my pee smells like coffee

    like a fresh brewed pot


    one of the many reasons why i'm not big on coffee

    anyone else have that problem?

  5. http://flavorpill.com/newyork


    food uh just eat good pizza you'll be fine

    I usually suggest chinatown but i dont fuck around down there during the summer

    except super cheap dumplings (not all are equal though)

    Dumpling House on Eldridge St mmm mmm

    other cheap eats, i'd suggest red hook ballfields but I guess if you don't know your way around, that might not be the best idea

    Dosa Cart man washington sq park coconut chutney is good

    Stores...meh whatever you want search for it and you'll find it

    Parties events ugh apt, water taxi beach long island city saturday nights, qtip/medina do santos fri nights


    i'm too jaded

    have fun in the sun

    NYC wooo wooo

  6. Don't know anymore

    Pretty sure most of the folks I know or conversed with are gone

    I do appreciate Untitled & Vip so that's why I still visit the forum,

    but channel zero is still shit

    I get caught out there sometimes because I like to visit the tattoo/food threads

    Otherwise there's no point, it always brings me down


    I guess another upside is it give me a glimpse of how the rest of my peers (outside of my social bubble) still view things

    The homophobia, ignorance, and the racism still well and kicking

    nice reminder, keeps me on my toes & to not get so comfortable

  7. in other news ignorant thread is ignorant

    and racist at that

    He is a kid so like any other kid to stumble on a lot of money, he's going to do dumb shit

    all this talk of he's bringing black people down, buying and hanging him -is trash

    *What's the white equivalent to this? -head to toe Christian Audigier, 1000 bottle services week after week, etc

    Rich and Tacky spans across the color barriers


    I do wish he'd finish high school though.

    So I can understand what the fuck he's talking about at any given time

  8. DonCheadle is puttin Williamsburg out there as the ugly girl capital of New York.


    stop, now there I'd have to disagree. take ride on the l to there, attend an outdoor event, walk down bedford in the summer

    & the girls are straight

    speaking of which i saw a girl eat it on one of those fancy no gear bikes at 4am on ??day

    shit went in slow-mo, heels all caught up in the chain

    I was like "R U OK" she was like "Yeah"


    Oh yeah this thread


    EMO not hungry, bout to eat some pills though, zzzz see youse in a bit like a day or 2 http://budurl.com/8vc4 RT @zomby http://budurl.com/pqqr

  9. usually once a day around 3pm or 3am, I can't be bothered to figure out the dirt/sweat logistics of those times

    As long as i'm not pig pen'ing it outside and my clothes are clean and I smell great then i'm goood

    also I hate taking showers at other peoples houses, my friends always like well you can take a shower here -No thankyou unless i've brought flip flops, soap, and my own towel


    *Between this and the what's your routine thread 12oz is killing it at the mundanity of life topics

    and I love answering how boring life is, it's all tapping into my inner larry david/wood allen, neurotic -ness

    Shoot me plz

  10. I don't think its something that should be recounted.

    Just another case of going with teh flow

    and ending up in ???? Fun nontheless heh

    but ! I did see fireworks while a huge fire was happening


  11. If I don't go out at night i'll:

    go to sleep at 2 or 3

    wake up at 530 curse the world

    get ready to leave at 6


    get dough/make dough make scones

    plate foods, make tea for me,

    decide what I'd like for breakfast

    and make it for me & the customers

    do what I gotta do to fill the case

    make lunch/in house cater

    clean up

    bike home

    check emails

    go to sleep

    wake up at 4

    buy pizza eat pizza

    internet/track review/mix/whatever else

    decide what's for dinner/make dinner

    bike around the hood

    come in find something to do till ungodly hours

    rinse repeat


    Unless I go out which typically leads to something unpredictable and regrettable

    & being out of my mind at work/covering/cleaning up the hangover...

    rinse repeat

  12. Mexicans make art while on it? shieeet they know how to reel their shit in

    I couldn't imagine


    i read that the best way was thru a water pipe.


    also, the no music thing... so true


    we had some reggae music on when i smoked it once... the whole song started looping the same 5 seconds over and over inside my head, it freaked me out real bad...


    and the cd was not skipping at all when i came down.

    wowow haha, I can see that happening



    There's a video of me out there kept on a mtv owned flipcam...I try not to think about it much.

    I freaked out baddd mainly because I didn't want the people I was around to see me in that state.

    I ran over to another couch and hid under my jacket, then I got up to spit into a sink

    then sat down again asked for some one to keep track of the time and to get me water

    They kept asking about what I saw -I didn't see images or whatever I just babbled on about dimensions and how everything appeared to be elongated and whatnot


    I said I wouldn't do it again, but I might

    maybe at coney island at night on the beach with some better chill people


  13. You know what also sucks about FB? It's almost impossible to delete your account.


    If you close it, they still keep all your information, posts, comments, etc. so you can restore it if you come back.

    To completely close the account, you have to go in and delete every single thing you have ever done on there. Seriously. Then you send them an email and they will close it permanently.

    At least that was the case when I tried to do it last year.


    This is true

    and evil

    what your "prends" did was evil

    hax0r dem

  14. black people like making bad music to piss me off

    ex: no wifin in the club or whatever the hell its called


    black people like white people to start topics on the internet that requires other white people to post example of the things black people like






    black people like it when their beer is cold and arriving to work on time at 6am on a saturday with a friday night hangover in tow


    this black person doesn't like grammar rules & making full sentences


    I don't know I don't know tell me what else do they like

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