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Posts posted by Hayabusa

  1. Finally got my own digi camera! Very happy with it, and just in time for my first show!


    In this show, the organizers printed the art work of 50 artists on trading cards. For one night only, people traded cards and shit. It was dope. I didnt get many pics cuz it got too busy very fast. Enjoy


    PS. Will be posting all the pics I take when i go to shows and galleries!









    this was one of my faves! ^^^ oil painting!























    Olympics son!


    Thats all for now


    All you guys feel free to post up pics from shows you go to!

  2. Congrats busa! Make the most of every show. Don't get comfortable and produce work just for a gallery show. It sounds silly to say but if you think about it, it makes sense. Make art for the love of making art, and if a show comes along, then you've got your stockpile.


    I'm getting back into the game myself but very, very slowly. Jaded once...



    ill be punching art scene kids in the face and chuggin beers at my openings!



    you guys would all laugh out loud if you knew me/seen me in real life


    not an artist oner :)

  3. A winner is you.






    Just don't do EVERY show that comes along locally. People will get sick of your work quick.


    not to worry

    This year, I will want to do as many as I can (which will likely be one every two months or so)

    No one has REALLY seen my work anyways, so I figure i'll be safe for now.


    After that, I don't know. My work and style is always changing, unlike some people I have seen who just do one thing forever...


    as for approaching people


    I learned of these shows by friends telling me about them. Thanks to facebook and the internet, I was able to track down who puts them on and email submissions and inquire about them. These are by no means massive big time things, but I figure its a good way to get my foot in the door for the future.

  4. Great success!!


    I have been accepted into 2 group shows already. Would've been 3 but the plan didnt quite work out. Ive been keeping up on many current local shows and on the people who put them on, so things have been going pretty good. I will make another thread with photos and shit. Anyways, I plan on getting into as many as I can this year, and also plan on making lots of art in my spare time.


    This would not have been possible without the internet and some artsy friends with the same goal. Hoorah!

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