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Posts posted by !@#$%

  1. Originally posted by ubejinxed

    thanks buddy, but would i still be cool if i had these?





    you'd have to jump in a vat of boiling lard to not be cool



  2. <-- Bad Ass


    ube needs instant gratification.

    congrats. i hope you like it..


    you're so ridiculous with that gearless brakeless thing.

    the only people who would say you're not 'cool' cuz of that are maroons.

    anyone who opts for bike or feet over car is as cool as can be in my book

  3. very popular with messengers becauase they are easy to maintain

    and popular with purists cux they're simple and elegant.


    they're dope.



    people..help out my woman ube.

    i don't know anything about cruisers.

  4. Originally posted by kidlugz

    yeah. i know you guys are right. it's just so hard to control my temper sometimes--especially when i'm confronted with mindless assholes virtually every time i get on my bike. it's kind of hard not to freak on people after so many close-calls.

    my girlfriend said the same thing when i told her what happened. she made a good point too. yelling at these fools isn't going change their idiotic ways, it's simply going to enrage them and bring the heat down on me. so i've decided to cool off.


    i used to be a pressure cooker out there.

    i knew i had to calm down.


    i really only get mad anymore when people are really not paying attention, or deliberately fucking with me..

    if you simply must make a comment, i have found that a remarkably effective way of defusing the situation is to catch up to the people (usually easy in traffic) and very calmly ask them something along the lines of ...


    "Would you like it if you killed me?"

    "Were you trying to murder me?"

    "I can't hurt you with my bike, but you almost mutilated me with your car"


    the reaction is usually fear.

    people just drive off.


    it helps that i'm a woman, i don't know if it would be as effective if a man said it.

  5. BeWare Road Rage


    ...flipping people off isn't worth it anymore.

    a few months ago, a friend of mine was on his bike, riding up a major street in the middle of a sunday afternoon..he was drunk.

    a van began harrassing him, you all know the deal..

    and he wasn't trying to hear that booshit..

    so he told the guys to fuck off.


    they pulled over, got out of their van and beat him.


    at one point, they picked up his bike and his lock and began hitting him in the head with it repeatedly, as he lay on the ground bleeding to death.


    a nurse and a doctor, in separate cars, pulled over to help him.

    the motorists got away..

    he took hundreds of stitches to the dome and was hospitalized for a few days.


    be careful kids!

    it ain't worth it!


    ...on a side note, it's raining its ass off and i don't wanna ride home in this.

  6. just go for a really good drill and jigsaw.

    you'll have them forever and they come in handy...

    my dad gave me an old ass drill he had from the eighties.

    that, a jigsaw and a hammer do just about all the shit i need to do..


    of course, when i built my bookshelf i had to go to dad's to use [his skills and] his circular saw

  7. Dremels are dope...




    good for little woodworking projects



    ...lots of accesories



    1_-_ #150_Drill Bit

    1_-_ #191_High-Speed Cutter

    1_-_ #401_Mandrel

    1_-_ #402_Mandrel

    1_-_ #407_1/2" Drum Sander

    3_-_ #408_1/2" Coarse Sanding Band

    5_-_ #409_15/16" Emery Cut-Off Wheel

    36_-_ #411_Coarse Sanding Disc

    4_-_ #414_1/2" Felt Polishing Wheel

    3_-_ #420_15/16" Heavy-Duty Cut-Off Wheel

    2_-_ #425_Emery-Impregnated Polishing Wheel

    1_-_ #426_1-1/4" Fiberglass-Reinforced Cut-Off Wheel

    4_-_ #429_1" Felt Polishing Wheel

    1_-_ #430_1/4" Drum Sander

    3_-_ #431_1/4" Coarse Sanding Band

    3_-_ #432_1/2" Fine Sanding Band

    3_-_ #438_1/4" Fine Sanding Band

    1_-_ #541_Aluminum Oxide Grinding Wheel

    1_-_ #8193_Aluminum Oxide Grinding Stone



    i have a black and decker version cuz i'm too busy and too poor to have a good one.

  8. it's just like that picture. (i know it's hard to see the color)

    the frame is a turquoise sort of teal color

    it's got those red yellow and white stripes across the crossbar

    it says 'peugeot' down the bottom bar with sort of fading out checkerboard at the end of the word..


    if i decide i gotta get rid of it, i'll let ya know.

  9. Originally posted by Sarah Tonin

    but this other rider i know said baby blue is way too trendy nowadays


    . yeh he also called me a poser for owning a freestyle just to ride it and not bust out or learn any tricks on it.


    this rider is a moron.


    bikes aren't even approachin what i would call 'trendy', much less what fucking color they're painted..

    'trendy' is that new gay-ass SUV the honda element.


    baby blue bmx bicycle souns hott.

    you could even name her something cool like bluelouboyle.



    riding a freestyle just to ride is fine.

    i ride a track bike, but i've never been a bike messenger, and i've never ridden on a track...

    i like the way it feels, handles, rides

    it's low maintenance and the design is simple elegance.


    you've got your reasons for liking freestyle bmx bikes.

    tricks don't have to be one of em.

    on the other hand, maybe you'll get it, rock it, and wanna learn tricks after you can control it like your last boyfriend.

  10. my pista has no brakes.


    the gear ratio is a bit different from my last bike too, so i'm still getting used to stopping suddenly.

    i blasted a red light just yesterday.

    another thing, if its wet, it's not always so easy to stop.

    sometimes you counteract your forward momentum and it slows you, but the pedals can lock the rear wheel, allowing you to continue moving forward rolling on a front wheel..that's a skid


    the track is a real merge of [wo]man and machine


    a friend was yelling at me for driving recklessly.

    at least i don't hit people.



    it is gorgeous, isn't it...

    i wanna marry it.


    the thing fits me!

    (my old bike was a monster, the frame is like a 55 or something huge)


    i can't stop thinking about it.


    the frame is so compact, my krypto lock fits through the front and rear wheels at once!!


    i'm in love:lick: :love: :love2: :love3: :spin:

  12. good thining agents:




    generic paint thinner


    not sure how easy it is to get this stuff in england; if you can't find it, some [expensive] thinner usually used for thinning oil paint will work (like linseed oil)


    and yes, Marsh in a mop is killer. try that too.

  13. word.


    the first time i saw em (as AN) they were so good i was all "who the fuuuuuu????? where can i get soma that?"


    and i went out and copped the album..


    i've seen em twice since, and they are still so fucking energetic.


    the crowd was goin insane.

    i saw some fat kid take a flying leap.

    some fools tried to grab him, but mostly he just hit the floor.

    some poor dude made the mistake of jumping right after him, in about the same place.

    he just hit the floor.


    fuckin people climbing poles and shit, some chick grabbing the singer's head and like, locking that shit in her arms. i thought he was a goner.




    i'll do that again..


    but damn the kids are getting young.

    made me feel old.

    but in a good way.


    i saw the bad brains when some of those kids wren't born....or, maybe when they were about 3 or 4.


  14. google.com or try ebay


    ATA Cycle, 1773 Mass Ave, Cambridge, (617) 354-0907; www.atabike.com.


    • Broadway Bicycle School, 351 Broadway, Cambridge, (617) 868-3392; www.broadwaybicycleschool.com.


    • Cambridge Bicycle, 259 Mass Ave, Cambridge, (617) 876-6555; oldroads.com/cb/html.


    • Community Bicycle Supply, 496 Tremont Street, Boston, (617) 542-8623; www.communitybicycle.com.


    • International Bicycle Center, 89 Brighton Avenue, Brighton, (617) 783-5804; www.internationalbike.com.

  15. oh yeah..

    i've been following the tour here..

    fucking awesome..

    i gotta admit, it's cooler when the winner isn't a 'lock'


    but lance is the man

    he's got it


    be safe people

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