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Posts posted by !@#$%

  1. fuck all the arguing, i wanna hear more about Saigon


    i heard this guy was good

    i'll def have to look into it



    as far as wubangers go

    maybe on the solo they're nice

    i saw the whole freakin wu (minus dirty) and it was lame-o

    i think even method man's two year old had a mic

  2. ok, i'm making a SWEEPING generalization here,


    but i have not had a good time at rap concerts in the past five years or so


    i saw KRS ONE at freedom for tibet in NYC in 98 or 99, that was good

    i saw Beatnuts at a stupitsmall venue in Bmore about ten years ago, also dope

    and the Beasties are good live.

    oh yeah, Ice-T was a ton of fun at the first lollapaloozer


    but that is close to the end of my list


    they scream into the mic too much is what i think

    they don't speak their rhymes, they yell them

    and it sounds sucky cuz the beats are usually too low


    it might also be that i'm wearing thin on hiphop/rap

    i was at scribble last year and had about zero patience for 'mc' battles

  3. Originally posted by DEE38@Mar 2 2006, 10:48 AM

    UGH symbols dont you hate that. when your craving some shit like a 99cent taco from jack in the box. then you gotta drive allllllll the way to the corner store and buy something stupid like a piece of gum?! then they tell you that they can't break it..... and that you have to insert it into the slot machine in order to get change back? fucking las vegas




    i wanted a donut.


    that would've meant 99.50 in change from the easside mawket

    ain't happenin jack.


    fuckin bmore.

  4. Originally posted by SteveAustin@Feb 22 2006, 02:48 PM

    so do women...ego.

    I've learned most count "boyfriends".

    as some comedian (Chris Rock, I think) said....that dick they sucked in Jamaica didn't count.



    i have two numbers

    one is the number of people i've had intercourse with


    the other number includes all experiences of a deeply intimate nature


    i mean hey, if dude is gonna bust a nut the instant of penetration

    does that count as sex?

    yeah, it does... in my second count


    that's the count i'll give boyfriends..if they want to know


    but guys aren't much different then chicks in that respect either

    almost doesn't matter how the fuck many a guy has slept with

    if a girl has a total that shatters her boyfriend's image of her

    then it's way too many

    and she'll never live it down

  5. the power of goooogle


    PART per million is just a way to express a ratio ..a 'part' of carbon monoxide in 1,000,000 'parts' of air



    and witness it again....



    * (ppm): the quantity of one substance contained in one million units of another substance. Equivalent to milligram per liter (mg/l).


    A unit of concentration often used when measuring levels of pollutants in air, water, body fluids, etc. One ppm is 1 part in 1,000,000. The common unit mg/liter is equal to ppm. Four drops of ink in a 55-gallon barrel of water would produce an "ink concentration" of 1 ppm.

  6. CO kills




    Here is what the "parts per million" concentrations of carbon monoxide mean to your health:

    100 ppm .01% Slight headache in two to three hours


    200 ppm .02% Slight headache within two to three hours


    400 ppm .04% Frontal headache within one to two hours


    800 ppm .08% Dizziness, nausea, and convulsions within 45 minutes. Insensible within two hours.


    1,600 ppm .16% Headache, dizziness, and nausea within 20 minutes. Death in less than two hours.


    3,200 ppm .32% Headache, dizziness and nausea in five to ten minutes. Death within 30 minutes.


    6,400 ppm .64% Headache and dizziness in one to two minutes. Death in less than 20 minutes.


    12,800 ppm 1.28% Death in less than three minutes.


    someone i know died of CO poisoning


    (and from what your post said, you're at 1/8 the lethal dose . yikes!)

  7. Originally posted by mindvapors@Feb 1 2006, 06:10 AM

    ok, i was contemplating making a new thread for this but i thought better of it. (big brother)


    In the US, does a stamp HAVE to be placed on the top-right of the envelope? anywhere on the front (front defined as side with addresses)? maybe even on the back someplace?


    i bummed i just decorated this envelope only to have one part covered by an ugly print-out stamp.


    a little late but

    yeah, it's really supposed to be the upper right

    it will probably end up depending on how nice the mail sorters are to you

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