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12oz Original
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Posts posted by !@#$%

  1. so now landis has trace amounts of synthetic testosterone in the urine


    after all the dudes that were disqualified for 'suspeected' doping

    they should just let those fools have at it

    the chick at my work said that would be bad for the chilren.

    which it would

    but so what? they are all doing it anyway so there is no 'good' example being set by almost anyone.

    freakin armstrong did not ever come up negative even once though

    and they were practically putting his shit through high-performance liquid chromatography


  2. Re: Shit The Shit Thread


    Currently in Life


    trying to motivate to do some minor home improvement


    pondering purchasing a vehicle


    i've actually been pondering pretty much everything, i'm about to turn dirty thirty


    work is alright

    boss took us out last night and he's gone for the next three days

  3. the reason stealing flicks is wrong is because its 2006 and actually DOING graffiti is only half the battle. taking pictures and posting them on the web is just as important. thats why if anyone steals my flicks' date=' i'll cross out their flicks. forever.[/quote']


    please tell me you are being sarcastic.

    because what the fuckin hell are you talking about.

    posting pictures of graffiti on the internet is not a battle at all. it's as easy as sitting around your fucking living room naked.

    to think it's important is even more retarded

    because if you're doing anything worthwhile, someone else is going to see your shit and flick it and post it

  4. old photo, so it's out of focus




    top shelf, stuff, stupit old paint and yard lights

    second from top, photo albums (yknow) and old sketchbooks

    third from top, school books (physics, organic chemistry, calculus)

    middle shelf, buddhism, philosophy and stuff

    next, travel books and little albums

    then fiction and junk

    bottom: oversize books: maps, atlases, art books, stack of magazines; and supplies


    i made this bookshelf with my dad.

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