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Posts posted by !@#$%

  1. fauci has not 'flopped and said that it might be man made.'


    NO. scientists don't have the capaibility to engineer viruses for release. plus we've seen plenty of natural, zoonotic coronaviruses before.

    fauci is concerned that there is a small chance someone at the Wuhan Institute of Virology may have been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 and then gotten sick and gotten other people sick. Because we just found out for the first time that a few scientists that work at that Institute got sick in Nov 2019.


    It still **does not mean** that they released the virus. even accidentally. And there is zero evidence to suggest that anything about this virus is engineered. plenty of people, myself included, have seen the viral genome - it's publicly available of course.




    get vaccinated, people. i got the vaccine in january as soon as i could. it'a the repsonsible thing to do as a member of a society.

    and for my entire life, proof of vaccination had been required for all kinds of shit. i've had to turn it over - including titers or getting shots if my blood couldn't prove it - to work in research labs, and attend universities. vaccines have also been a routine part of international travel to some places for ages.

    it's kinda pathetic what this shit revealed about people. they're worse then even i imagined.

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  2. i thought i'd never ever everrrr post on this site again but yeah. this is important.

    and i'll admit that for awhile i was just one of those jerks that was looking for updates about your condition, rage, after my hubs told me.

    i'm glad to hear you're hanging in there. i wish you the best and we're pulling for you.


    my mom was pretty sick my entire life with a form of cancer that's also not exactly a cancer - it's not treated with chemo, basically.

    but it did make her really sick and in a lot of pain and also inspired me to go into biomedical research,

    bringing me to my other point -- if people have questions about the biology of cancer/what it is and why it's so hard to cure -- ask away


    also i read dark-knights post. that sounds like the total annihilation of the gut and its microbiome,

    and from what we're learning about that, wow . how awful. i'm not surprised and glad to hear a strict diet is helping.


    good luck to everyone out there struggling with health issues.


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  3. well, like i said, i'll spend 1 dollar on that chance, but not two.

    call me an idiot but that kind of penny pinching has put me in a good spot in life, and taken me on many, many trips.



    as for disrupting culture by imposing money onto it, i'm with that.

    i'll be sure to keep that in mind when i'm starting orphanages :laughing:

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  4. i always think people just aren't thinking big enough when it comes to these jackpots.


    i mean really.

    i'd design a car company. haha


    i'm glad to see buying an island on here,

    but i think i'd try to change the world/future/humanity with that kind of money.

    at the very least put money into Tesla. start a foundation that cures a disease or brings clean water to millions.

    educate thousands of kids and give them a future.

    i know i'm a dork.


    as for powerball i won't play that shit. i think $2 is too big a waste on some shit that pretty much is guaranteed not to happen

    (you ever hear the one about the lottery being a tax on people who can't do math?)

    i WILL still drop a buck on megamillions tho


    *side note* if we're goin for fantasy island, the husband and i would either buy an entire railroad, or at least, a company that ordered lots and lots of cars to our warehouses

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  5. Been meaning to reread that and Animal Farm, but haven't gotten to it. Have also noted many complaint on Amazon that the versions being sold now are abridged and some of the more subversive concepts have been diluted of edited out. Almost seems like a pun, if not ironically Orwellian for big brother to edit a book like 1984.


    that's fucked

  6. thanks hua.


    and. oh ok. thanks raven

    i clicked on the image icon in the composition box and it asked for the image url.

    i didn't even try drag and drop.

    good to know. i can add more photos when i'm home.



    so we didn't go to patagonia for snowboarding or anything like that

    just hiking, which was still incredible

    also did a long road trip.

    i'd love to go back one day.

    mainly we went because i knew how awesome it would be. i've dreamed of going for ages

    tried to plan a trip about 4 years ago with an old oontz member, ubejinxed, actually.

    didn't work out though. so i'd seen a fucking unbeatable sale last year and grabbed tickets. so worth it.

    take a long time to fly down there.


    Not trying to dampen your enthusiasm, just sharing my experience with this. The only way we could access TV and movies all year long was if we got lucky and found one of those bootleg streaming sites. Even then, it was really difficult so mostly we did without.


    hey there!


    just back from patagonia, where i had no trouble watching netflix in both chile and argentina

    didn't you hear? netflix is now available in tons of countries.


    January 6, 2016 -- Netflix launched its service globally, simultaneously bringing its Internet TV network to more than 130 new countries around the world.


    also, yeah, we have the VPN too. i use privateinternetaccess.

    didn't work in Chnia but otherwise, it's been fine.

    and demonoid and piratebay are still up.




    patagonia, btw, was fucking incredible.

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  8. Wow, big move to leave the USA. I actually did a year in Berlin myself. Had an amazing time and appreciate the fact that we did it, but wasn't nearly as easy as I thought it would be. Oddly, it was the little things... TV, shopping for groceries, etc. The stuff I loved doing when visiting cause it was so different ended up being the thing that became frustrating when you really had to do it as a chore. Definitely worth trying though, IMHO.


    word. i know exactly what you mean.

    having travelled so extensively, i'm hoping we are prepared well for the shift in culture.

    mainly though, i just wanna experience life in another place.

    it's still gonna be awhile bc it may coincide with my 'retirement' from molecular biology, and i wanna stack a lotta cash before then


    i would think i'd miss tv big time. overseas, tv can be so so much different.

    but with globalization and netflix, it isn't too hard to get a fix nowadays.

  9. Kalispell was a cool lil town. i changed a headlight bulb there.


    travelled through Montana going to Glacier National Park a few years back

    i love the idea of being around less people. especially as the future approaches


    40 acres. hell fuckin yea. maybe one day ....


    having been to all the states, Idaho might've been the biggest surprise. it's gorgeous. Montana absolutely lives up to the name 'big sky country'

  10. people somehow still fail to comprehend that even when people follow every rule and instruction they are given by the cops, they can still end up killed

    why this escapes people, i'll never know and people not seeing this as a serious problem is just sad.


    another thing few people know, is that they don't want smart cops.

    if you score high on intelligence tests, they tell you to go home.


    if the cops want to act like the military, they should be trained as such

    and the military NEVER raises a weapon until it's time to fire.

    the cops make escalation a common tactic.

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