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Everything posted by getursaladtossd

  1. looks like somethin the detroit grim would do with his left hand haha, bump the flciks, seems to me detroit is becoming one of the graffiti capitals in the u.s. lately, always new shit running daily, keep up the work fellas
  2. what about the people that paint on records, wood, or any other surface other than a canvas? i guess we should go make another thread for that to huh?
  3. lmao i constantly do that shit too, hoping to find something to eat in that bitch but theres nothing there and u still check any ways and keep checking lol
  4. 94 side, we were on the gratiot side with our little bum fire going to keep warm while painting n shit, heard sirens put that shit out ran to the window and the top floor of the biggest/middle building was in flames so we dipped outta that place smelling like smoke looking guilty n shit
  5. what is the size of the painting just curious, and do you have a link for her site?
  6. that silo painting is nice and all but for a grand??? thats sort of a rip off what is the size on that thing?
  7. ok to clear things up (hush wickedwacko) we acctually found that spot before crackhead not that i care, but a yard is a yard as long as there is no dissing shit goin on(which there isnt) everything is all good there shouldnt even be this big of a discussion on this forum of that spot, do i agree with the way some people approach it no but i wont get all butt hurt over it so everyone chill its a fuckin spot, sip a forty and smoke a blunt(if u prefer) and paint. things will get gone over nothing lasts forever
  8. so u guys are lik in the fifth vortex right now and i think patrick swayze is on the left side so if u turn right u might avoide him and that is probably a good idea, they will give u a pass to the 6th vortex and if u go there u will be straight becasue there is only one thing to worry about and thats john stamos and hes not that bad except he likes to ac slater toilets, and if that happens u might just have to clean up after him, and thats not a pleasant sight but if u take the staircase from the 5th vortex then u can skip the 6th and go straight to the 7th and u will run into 17 black kids aka mr rogers, but hes a friendly fella unless u make fun of his sweater but i gave u all of the info u need if u need ne thing else just let me kno ok!!!
  9. this thread makes me want to shoot myself its full of bull shit not the pics but unneeded shit that shouldnt be goin on
  10. why fuck lady gaga? she can fuck herself, literally
  11. but you also have to know how to use those mediums because just throwing a littl too much or too little can fuck up a painting
  12. MARKER BOY lmao but yea those letters arent that good but that can pass as jsut a design casue it looks straight as hell especially the colors
  13. i would stick with the paint it comes with any othe paint will just be messy, too thick, or too thin,
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