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Everything posted by +1up

  1. Does anyone actually own only one mop and uses only that not throw it out and rack another in a week. After awhile they get fucked up i was just wondering if anyone sticks to an original mop.
  2. Add some rusto bucket paint, colorox bleach, and chlorine. It breaks up the shit in the etch to make it stained whatever color you added
  3. Down to an empty kiwi and a rusto tall can. Now thats real
  4. +1up


    aww. But the gloves are koo lmao. Thanks for the crits ill work on it.
  5. Jail house marker (Taken from PUZL) -Napkin -Ink pen Ball up the napkin and fold it over so that one side is flat. Take the ink tube from a pen and blow the ink out onto the flat side. It gets juiced up and soaks into the napkin. Its not the most permanent thing but if you dont have any markers or paint on you it works alright.
  6. Thanks homie. And to the bitch that axd why i care is cuz im sick of my mops and other homemade shits so i just wanna look at some other writers stuff.
  7. Yeah workmens used to be at this mall close to me (The Block) but they kicked em out to LA.
  8. So y the fuck did everyone mention break fluid if it doesnt even work
  9. No it aint! Im in Cali 7 for a meanstreak is pricey, 5 for a can of paint isnt:D
  10. It should just say that on the bottle
  11. i dont get which one is better. how is one better for insides...
  12. :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: He just asked a question
  13. Bingo Dotter ink Stamp pad re-inker ink Dot 3 In a mop and it drips nice
  14. No i mean they do checks in your room for shit so i stashed all my paint at my friends house
  15. Rusto Deep Blue +Rusto Fat Rusto Aluminum Roller Im so low on supplies...DAMN YOU PROBATION CHECKS
  16. Shit i mean Scrawler :shakehead: sorry bout that
  17. Uhhh OK i cant randomly put shit together and expect a good ink. Most of this shit on here requires you to already buy Garvey and other ink i cant get my hands on to make a decent ink, i was just curious to what he made it from.
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