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furry toes

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Everything posted by furry toes

  1. furry toes


    Just moved to Portland, does anybody have any recommendations on some good hilly rides.
  2. furry toes


    ^^^You can come up way harder for cheaper
  3. One day I was kickin with Shai and I offhand mentioned that I wanted to get some All Bets Off albums. The next day he hits me up saying that he ran into someone with a bunch of their stuff and he was going to go back with his computer and get all the files. By the end of the week I had exactly what I was looking for. Good people.
  4. furry toes


    Is it possible to fix this for a decent price?
  5. Yep, DP from when my friends were living on that street a couple years ago but things have just gotten better since. Highly enjoyable again this year and just as many sloots, if not more than the previous years.
  6. furry toes


    Try some penetrating oil or even heating the seat post and put all your force into it and it should break loose.
  7. http://www.chicagoreader.com/features/stories/killedoncamera/ And these dipshits wonder why people hate them.
  8. Re: BEAT off to the picture above you
  9. I caught two misdemeanors this weekend but the cop never actually saw me painting. I had the can, the paint on my fingers and I was pretty much finished with the piece when the fucker popped outta nowhere. I didn't confess to anything in the interview so the burden is on them. I was wondering how much a decent lawyer would charge to take a case like this? And the chances of it getting thrown out?
  10. more stolen from copenhagen... zombie dua boys toys crew aodpta SICK THREAD...A LOT OF DOPE FLIX...peace
  11. copenhagen...allstolen bombd the fuck up ??? jase reke writers gettin arrested in copenhagen by kets and doart rens bates in berlin creat bates ??? bang junkmail envelopes HARDCORE COPENHAGEN RIOT kegr ??? ??? tuz army
  12. I made some of the wine last year. I got 2 gallons of welches 100% grape juice, the 100% is the important part. I put those 2 gallons in a 3 gallon container along with some sugar and yeast and a baggie with holes in it the cover the opening. Sure enough by party time(about 5 days) I had drinkable alcohol. It was this weird opaque purple color and tasted pretty bad, so I gave the two gallons to the first idiot that said it tasted good. In all I can say I made my own wine but in the end it costed more than getting two bottles of two buck chuck. Which would have been easier and more sanitary to get ahold of.
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