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Everything posted by FuzZy

  1. Thank you Mr MAker ....I think we all have missed your post
  2. Give it up to my Babys Mama Hayley...page fitty
  3. 1997...... tume' gyser sicker des cred cavs
  4. Knowledge....brought to you by To Conquer
  5. sicr gyser celm klever creds cav obsoe great bench as usual Hayley.....
  6. That Bem and Sag is what's up...I hope Bem had on the sunscreen though Wadda needs to learn how to pick up his phone....
  7. dont worry citizen....youll get yours soon enough
  8. cause he's a TOY Hayley....
  9. FuzZy

    Cinco De Mayo

    sicr valet fowl vash
  10. That FOKIS - JETS car is whats up sicr wins fowl ...too drunk to fuck
  11. bones nova .......that NOVA is one of his best in my opinion DES...with the classic styles
  12. ahhh The Hardest Whiteboy is back.....gotta love it Imma have to give it to my future wife Hayley MOMS BW
  13. SICR takes the cake...
  14. 4th down is RED both walls came out good I like that SYKE funk and the Close connections ....The comic book wall is the shit though favorite Characters.... Doc Ock and Magneto...completeley different approaches but I like them both equally I really like Rorschach also...he came looks spot on ....good job done by all
  15. bars nova tume iree kolun fowl
  16. ....everybody likes a smartass ....right???
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