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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Re: TEAM ALCO Well I am glad you did it in honor of me. I don't deserve that. I am hereby quitting drinking. Somehting happened last night I don't want to go into. I am fucked. It isn't the liquors fault. It is mine.
  2. Re: TEAM ALCO Maybe. They are talented, I'll give them that, but after searching the net for some info on them, I find they apparently transcend the typical 'shred head genre' of fans, and are liked by scenesters and the like. I am not sure I could handle a concert (no matter how entertaining) with people I feel like smacking upside the head. The one person I wanted to take can't make it, I migth have to wait til my other mate gets back from watching NIN over east this week and see if he wants to go with me. Fuck havign mates who listen to music that you don't.
  3. Re: TEAM ALCO Yeah, I was listening to them in the car on my ride home. They all sound the same, so it doesn't really matter what one I put on the mix I guess. I chucked a couple on there, they will randomly pop up. Should I go to see them next Sunday though? I might have to go by myself, as none of my friends are really the gig going kind, they are more rap heads. They don't know how great it is to see talented people on stage while sinking brews. they would rather watch some talentless faggot walk around moving his non-mic holding arm over his head talking about his 'bitchez' and 'hoes' while some other hacks dance on the stage around him. I mean, I can do that (but for some reason I can't get away with it because the waist of my pants isn't around my knees/nor am I black) but never in my life will I be able to play guitar as good as the guys in Dragonforce. /randompissedoffpointmaker PS. Yes I am drunk at present.
  4. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I thought this was going to be a shitty birthday until the phonecall I just recieved that was totally unexpected. My day just got brighter.
  5. Re: TEAM ALCO Ahh the red stripe. nice pic IOU!
  6. Re: TEAM ALCO I couldn't copy the list I chose from Nero. Oh well.
  7. Re: TEAM ALCO Haha, I am puttig that song on there. I am making a cd now, will post the list when done. What Dragonforce song should I put on there do you think EB that would introduce people to their music? I have no idea as they all sound the same to me.
  8. Re: TEAM ALCO Well EB, Dragonforce are playing here on the 13th of this month, do you think I should go? I actually ripped a shitload of this 10 cd party pack of my old mans tonight, and it has 99 Red Balloons. But if I wanted to listen to that song, I would just get the Singstar happening, as it is on one of the discs I have. Ahh, I have 'The right stuff' by NKOYB on one of htese party cds! Haha!
  9. Re: TEAM ALCO Will have to check that shit out. Anyone else have any suggestions for party music? I'm thinking of going for a eclectic mix of 80s classics, and some heavier progressive stuff (as it is MY party after all!!) mixed in with some random 90s Blue light disco stuff (from when I was a kid, haha). Some decent suggestions somejuan, I'll get a few of those for sure. But could you be a chum and email me the NKOTB and the damn Akon song? Fuck if I am gonna DL a torrent to get one song, I'd probably do Gwen Stefani on her own as I know a ex of mine dug that shit, but fuck Akon (whoever the fuck that gimp is, other than some clown featuring in the poxy Myspace ads)
  10. Re: TEAM ALCO Good shit on the recruitment. Hopefully I have made some segue into the path of light. More details will be revealed soon.
  11. Re: TEAM ALCO I'm fucked. I haven't eaten all day, been drinking since 11am, and just found out my aunty is in hospital after having a heart attack (coincedently the same way her father/my grandfather died). What an awesome birthday present. And to top it off, the whoe reason for holding a party has been messed around too. Fuck! can you get much worse than I feel right now??
  12. Re: TEAM ALCO Thieves are cunts. back to the alcohol chat. My party shall rock. What songs should get some play at my party do you think?
  13. Re: TEAM ALCO Well, my place is pretty secure, and all the people who will be present are friends/family who have respect. And don't worry, karma will come back and get your boys. In high school, my girlfriend threw us a party and my brother stole a heirloom or something her grandfather gave her dad. Once they found out who took it, guess who was the single man again??
  14. Re: TEAM ALCO Oh, the vodka, Baileys and J&B are only 3/4 full. They are just left overs from the past but I don't care if they get drunk, as long as everyone has a good time. I know I will!!!
  15. Re: TEAM ALCO Only had 1 beer at uni only to keep on drinking once I got home, only stopping to stock up for my party this week. This is what awaits: Plus whatever people bring. I left the last of my XO out, as I don't think I'll have much more than a shot or 2 of it (mainly because it won't be needed).
  16. Re: TEAM ALCO I only know of centurion. What are the others you speak of? And I have no intention of sleeping with any fat girls, as there are none invited. I want to get so drunk that fucking will be the last thing on my mind, and if I need to, then I always have the viagra tab I kept, hahaah!
  17. Mauler5150


    It wasn't Virtua racing was it? I remember playing it when I had a birthday party at an arcade way back when (15 or so years ago) with unlimited games for me and my friends and I was playing it heaps because it was the most expensive game to play there, and I liked to drive as I was too young to actually drive. I remember when I had my 2nd arcade party and some guy was playing SF2 and I got the attendant to rack up a credit for me, then once I kicked this dudes arse he wanted to go me. He soon realised that it would have been in vain, because even if he kicked my arse, my 20 friends who had free video games for 2 hours were gonna come after him, haha! While on the subject of SF2, here is a cool video of the best SNES game ever, and a funny parody, of SF: the later years
  18. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Hahah! Well, that bitch better come to my party so I can tell her of the pain I am in. Just checked the forecast, and early showers with the weather turning fine for when my party is. Only fine day this week, so I am the luckzorz!!!
  19. Re: TEAM ALCO Oh shit, I didn't realise it has my year 7 champion boy trophy there! Damn I loved going to a ghetto primary school! The stories you end up with. No golfing for me, that can wait til I am a office worker methinks.
  20. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Damn, I had to actually do some work for the first time in a while yesterday and feel stiff and sore. I gave my pain relief cream to my ex when her back was sore, now I need it and don't have it. Shitt!!
  21. Re: TEAM ALCO Ahh it is actually mezcal, not tequila, but I have had the bottle for over 2 years and never have had a reason to really crack it, but Saturday might be the day. Shots of the game I have to play! Pretty much spin the spinner and hope you have to take the shot. I have another game to play (some golf one) but coudn't be bothered pulling it out of the cupboard. This should be enough I think...
  22. Re: TEAM ALCO I'll post up photos of the drinking game I intend to play at my party this week. I think Scorpion tequila hots will be the liquid supply. With beer to wash them down.
  23. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Cosigned.
  24. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Damn man, you are surrounded by death at the moment aren't you. Shit man, I feel bad for you after what happened not long ago with your other mate.
  25. Re: TEAM ALCO Tanqueray is gin!! But it mixes better than vodka for cocktails, that is for sure.
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