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johnny ballbags

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Everything posted by johnny ballbags

  1. hey casek or maint.. (whatever the fuck your new name is) of defy or someone... could you pm me... i have a question that prolly isnt suitable for the board..
  2. yeah they are... shits weird as fuck though.. i thought you attacked me or something eastbay...
  3. yo somehow all my friends on my myspace page got deleted and my profile got switched to private... any idea how this could happen? any way to find out?? fuckin retarded....
  4. huh? what post was this a response to? i got another one: whats the best way to block adult content and/or specific sites on one profile on a machine?
  5. or just pop the buttons off and then put em back in the right place.. wait, isnt shift+2 supposed to give you @?...
  6. i tried to give up the pancakes, but i was hungry...
  7. "The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed" now i cant add users tto the machines... wtf... why is this sucking so much?
  8. would an ip conflict somehow make it seem like you dont have adminstrative rights?
  9. virtual bubble wrap http://fun.from.hell.pl/2003-11-24/bubblewrap.swf
  10. i only got out of bed yesterday to eat... other than that i watched tv and slept all fucking day.... i feel fucking awesome today...
  11. ok so the answer that casek and mainter both gave me didnt help cuz i got that on my own too... and i was tryin to transfer apps from old wkstaions to new ones cuz i dont have the serial used to intall a legit copy of ms office on the old ones... and then i was adding new ones to the network... i kinda solved the ms office problem, but w/e.... never figured out the transfer... but what i did to slove the other thing was: instead of goin to ie and typing servernmame/connectcomputer i just right clicked my computer hit properties, went to the "computer name" tab, hit the to rename or add to a domain button, typed the domain and it worked fine.... i spent 2 hours trying to figure that shit out on sat and gave up... then i figured it out within the first five minutes of being here this morning... somtimes you just gotta walk away for a minute
  12. how do i know which "web site" or whatever is reporting the error? i changed every one there to have the granted access option selected with noexceptions, and still nothing.. wtf?
  13. i added the new computers on the server, but when i go to the computer and type servername/connectcomputer in the address bar i get a "HTTP Error 403.6 - Forbidden: IP address of the client has been rejected. Internet Information Services (IIS)" error... i get the same error from pc's already on the network... this shit never happened before when i set up workstations..
  14. i havin a bitch of a time gettin computers connected to a server and i cant figure out why.... anyone wanna try to give me a hand?
  15. i have an original disc... i dont have a serial.... casek, forgive me if i sound like a retard... i know enough to get by (most of the time) but not much more..
  16. need more of an explanation than that... hows the new version gonna get from one pc to the other?
  17. ok i have a question.... is there any way to transfer apps from and old pc to the one thats replacing it? cuz i cant find the serial for our copy of office....
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