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johnny ballbags

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Everything posted by johnny ballbags

  1. if i register to vote, then i run the risk of gettin called for jury duty....
  2. i am gonna look when i get home.... theres numbers and shit all over the damn thing.... i got no work done all weekend cuz i had to keep fucking with this thing..... i really thought i was gonna be able to get that hd to work...
  3. so any tips on id'ing this mother board while its out the box? i might try to build something with it if its worth it...
  4. its not connected to anything... its completely out the case....
  5. so how can i id this motherboard from the pc i dismantled?...
  6. http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareDownloadIndex?softwareitem=pv-17526-1&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&tool=softwareCategory&product=345875&query=s4300cl&os=228
  7. im pretty much giving up on this 250 gb hd, which sucks cuz im running out of room and mine and have work to do and downloads in progress... i tried to update bios but the connection kept timing out when i tried to dl the update..
  8. one of the easiest ways is record a voice record attachment tot a text msg and send it to yourself... then you can store the attachment and/or apply as ringtone.. seems obvious, but i guess it isnt.. it works pretty well for me...
  9. im gonna go check all that shit out, but why did it see it as a 7 gig drive the first time i put it in, and now nothing?
  10. i know people running xp that have comps that came stock with 2 250's... wtf?
  11. ok so now im ither getting a boot error with the 250 gb hd plugged in or it boots like normal but it doesnt see the hd at all...
  12. anybody up right now? i got questions for days over here... i was unable to get the pc that had originall y contained the 250 gb hd to start up... some kind of boot failure or something... so i stripped the thing apart... i have a bunch of parts and i want to know which ones are useful and which are not... also i want to know how to id the mb....
  13. i will... thanks... first im tryin to see whats on the drive with the pc it came out of, so i can tell if theres anythgin on there i need to back up.... how should i set everything up between the two hd's a.)120 and b.) 250 as far as running the os and software and file storage with partitions and shit? right now my 120 is split into 105 and 15... then smaller holding all the recovery data... and why do you think my pc freaked out when i put the 40gb hd in there?
  14. there is no disk management when i right click my computer.... do you mean device manager? edit; found disk management..
  15. every time i open help and support and typedisk management it freezes...... could you please try to explain how the drive could be labeled 250gb and showing 7?
  16. so i plug the hd with a 250 gb label on it into my shit and its showing like 7.something gigs? im close to full on my hd and if this thing is really 250 gigs that would be fucking awesome cuz i could back up all my files and format.... and then i plug a 40gb hd in and my computer flips out on me.... the 40gb has an os and a bunch of shit installed on it.... i want to try to take some files off it and then wipe it clean... im pretty sure its got some viruses and/or spyware on it too.... all of this shit came out of a frankencomputer that has 3 cdrw drives and and some midiman pc audio card and a whole bunch of other shit... im hoping i can strip the good stuff out of it and help my computer be all it can be.... with the help of you guys of course...
  17. how can i tell if a hd i came into possesion of is compatible with my pc or not?
  18. i just upgraded my firefox..... now theres a spell check when i type... crazy.... is there a list of all the new features somewhere?
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