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Everything posted by eatme101

  1. Who said anything about wanting fame? It sounds like the person just wants to respect whatever painters are in the same city as them and KNEW opinions would differ and asked people their views on the topic since this is the forum you typically post these kind of conversations. Your own graffiti snobbery and need to dominate or make fun of people for trying to respect other painters in their city and other people's views on the topic is evident of your own lack of self esteem and your need to subdue it by the ego driven task of painting and fucking with young painters on 12 oz and thats lame. and I bet the person is probably not whack, but actually decided they wanted to spark up conversation on this topic to have people converse like adults and compare feelings about it and if you will notice everyone's opinions are a little different but with the same main point and was handled maturally until you stepped in ... oh and also its pretty whack to be typing on here all the time instead of getting up and if the amount of time you spend on here measured by not being on here in any way pointed to the amount of time someone prolly was gettin up then sp,efashion has you beat buddy.. period. Quoted post [/b] looks like the thread starter
  2. that upsidedown is sick
  3. exactly...IF YOU HAVE TO ASK THIS QUESTION YOU SHOULD NOT BE STEPPING ON ANYONES TOES BY SIDEBUSTING. especially on frieghts...sidebusting is NEVER ever ok on frieghts, ever. unless your crew with whoever it is your sidebusting. Quoted post [/b] again exactly! if you shoud even think of asking this question to anyone you should stay away from trains... ok first off people usually put hard work into graff they DONT want ANYONE to paint next to them and fuck it up unless of course if its oked or your same crew second if they DONT want you to sidebust and its known to you DONT DO IT!!! theres obvioulsly a reason for this so all in all side busting is for the toy with 2 exceptions(look up above)
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