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  1. hours and hours are spent on doing this if you love it... i love it.. I spend HOURS everyday on design and .. im passionate about it... and a lot of hard work has gone into to making the shit I do... truth be told so all this talk about whack shit... well bring it lets battle anyway.. yeah there was only debate about sidebusting because of PERSONAL feelings ... not about anyones level of painting.. we're all about the same level and have been painting awhile... just beef going on and didn't want to step on toes... im not gonna back down to an extreme or cause extra problems... and I've always been the kind of painter that would normally not sidebust trains unless I had to, but this recent debate made me want to understand everyone's views... i knew not everyone would have the same thing to say so I asked and I appreciate the comments. it seems like the consensus is don't be mean spirited about sidebusting and don't care what other writers think esp the ones who think they are god's gift to the graff community... do what you love and get up and if you feel you have to sidebust cuz yer wantin to paint and there's only one panel and the other is taken then fuckin take it... its about gettin up right? so get up! who cares where.. try to respect but mostly... do what you love and fuk the rest. no laws among the lawless... fuk all da haterz!
  2. Maybe I should make a fool of myself when I start a thread. At least that way I'd get more replies.... uuuuh does anyone know what a "yard" is? haha
  3. There's been some debate between the writers in my town about when to sidebust and when not to. I was wondering if people could put in their two cents. When is it ok and when is it not? For example, can you get up on a train that has already been painted by someone you don't know or paint with? What if a few different people paint in the same yard and have to share what gets laid up... is it normal that sidebusting happens in that situation? Can you tag next to someone that has already tagged a spot? Are sidebusting trains more common than like rooftops or walls? Does the level of the writer effect these rules? ...etc... What is everyone's opinion on this?
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