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Francis Dolarhyde 36

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Everything posted by Francis Dolarhyde 36

  1. Bryso, wassup with some Abhor KUK? I heard you take requests.. I don't remember seeing it but If I missed that page lemme know.
  2. DMX once said, "where da hood, where da hood, where da hood at?" anyways, woody burnburn, looks like you got your camera cord goin.. Keep pushin the flics out so we have more to look at and less to argue about.. Holla!!
  3. thats getting fired up. i said 2 sentences, you said a lot more. it was always cool til you went off. i PM'd you so this back and forth business didnt have to go on. do your thing dude, talk to ya later. oh yeah, i almost forgot..
  4. dont get all fired up over the 2 sentences i said. its laughable bullshit on the internet with my 2,845 posts. i'm gonna PM you cause its nothing to go blowin up on, dude.
  5. whats up with everett then? have you ever been to seattle? hahaha
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dearest Santana Boats & Hoes, i watched Step Brothers last night..holllly shit. its like the 30th time, but hey. its funny. anyways, glad you got the text. i will tell you this, it wasnt a "mass" text, i CHOO-CHOO-CHOOSE you!!! haha. for real tho i been missing you but i been going thru some real deal such as life shit. tell ya later!! and Dear Black Boat Shoes, BOATS & HOES!! thats it.. -Frappachino McDollarmenu
  7. isnt it cute how people use 12oz as a contact system.. hey todd hit me up lets have fun!!!! pick up a phone...fuck it..text, its 2009.
  8. ok. enough. fuck it. we all got opinions. anyone have flics of better shit?
  9. the most intelligent thing said in pages. put that shit on wax!! throwups dont even belong on trains...... props S. Bombin & Macin!!
  10. well slam a rod hard in his ass..fuck his name if you dont know who he is, hes a buster. again..fuck him!!
  11. fuck ron hardon. that faggot watches kiddy porn and beats his wife. however, i know for fact that guy has 1000s of graff flics from every seattle writer, ever doing anything ever in the last 10+ years. we should bust down his door, take him hostage and get our flicks back!! again.. FUCK RON HARD-ON HARD IN THE ASS!!!
  12. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear black boat shoes, yeah man. boat shoes are the real thing. helllllla classy and look sharp with any kinda gear ya got. i'm diggin it!! -Mr. Francis Boatershoehyde
  13. hahahahahhahahahah shit man, thats a funny statement. :D i'm sure there is a lot that fuck head wants to talk about..be ready. hahaha
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear black boat shoes, i recently purchased some black boat shoes. they are pretty much the most kick ass shoes i have ever owned. i thought you might like to know this. -Francis Dollarmenu
  15. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HELL YES!!! Mad Society Kings!!!!
  16. you are all morons. kill all that noise. its a garbage hollow throw up over a garbage hollow a throw up on a hopper that prolly travels 10 fuckin feet. Seed, good. dcups, bad. both of their shit is wack on that hopper. WHO THE FUCK CARES!!!! obviously no one said shit about the Perck over Seedr a few flicks because why? BECAUSE IT DOESNT FUCKIN MATTER!!
  17. yeah but it happens. this is the newest scenario. so..either hunt the dudes down and reprimand them or move on. its not anyones "job" to flash on toys that do toy stuff
  18. everyone cool your jets. yeah yeah "this guy" painted over a mural. or this "other guy" has the right to paint over a mural cause hes up or there is "other stuff" to paint..its all good that you all have an opinion on this situation. but get real some KIDS painted a mural. it dont matter if they are 15 or 28 everyone acts like its some sort of travesty like some "art" thats been there for a grip is dissed and its a disgrace. i got love for you artists..so i know you feel it maybe more then others. but yer writers too act like YOU are the perfect writer and YOU never did something that someone didnt approve of. it doesnt matter. whats done is done. and we'll live on to see better art and better graff peace -F. Dollarmenu
  19. the largest way to represent!!! this guy does it like no other..
  20. It goes without saying that the Vain wall is dope.. But really, who cares. Its the same 3 writers, painting the same 3 pieces with different colors. Me personally, I'm over it. What's the point in even repainting it? Its the same shit All 3 of those guys are dope and they can paint. But just rock the production and call it a deal. They re-paint that shit every month. Get new people on it or something..
  21. Woodburner..what kinda camera you got? Holla at me I might have some way to help. -Francis Dollarmenu
  22. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear edoggy and HR at my work, Hey edogggg..remember how I laughed in that meeting cause I was check 12oz.. Well someone actually caught me and told HR on me..how rediculas is that!!! They actually said I was texting, not oontzsting..but still. What a buster ass bitch.. Oh I know who it was too..but I don't know what to do to get back at her. I mean, I can play some childish ass shit if she wanna act like a 3rd grader and tattle-tale on me.. Real ghetto!!! Ya dig..oh the HR chick is smokin tho so it was fun to talk to her for a while One ON One like..smart chicks that are fine are like God's gift of creation!!! Hell yeah!!! -Francis almost got fired for oontzsting Dollomite
  23. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear edoggy dogg, Dude..clownin!! I was in a meeting at work and decided it would be a good idea to check 12oz.. I read that message and started DYIN!! Everyone in the meeting just stared at me, like I farted in the elevator or something..seriously that was classic!! Keep it up sowitty e-d0-double GG! -Francis McDooglehyde
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