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Everything posted by TSAC

  1. TSAC


    how about some CORTEZ
  2. flics looking clene AS USUAL
  3. thoes LA pics are hella dope this is the first time looking at this thread i hella like it because there is peices on like hella public public shit you know what i mean. i am usualy on the DONT CALL IT FRISCO or the EASTBAY SHITS.most of the shits like under a bridge or in a abandon buliding
  4. That shit was pretty WEAK Quoted post [/b] yeah i herd it sucked,why tho
  5. damn i hella wanted to go the park today.how was it??? any thing good out there??? pictures would be cool
  6. THANKS panakeii for the help will 100% aceton or whatever its called work just as good as paint thinner.?
  7. i was gonna read every page,untill i got to page 6 and saw that there was 63 more pages. i have a fue questions about the krink like paint 1.if you put it in a kwiwi mop,will the paint thinner melt the plastic? 2.can you mix any oil based bucket paint with thinner and put it in a mop and it will work the same? i am thinking i want to try it out so anyfeed back would be much appreacited.
  8. i think that DUFUS stuff is pretty tight
  9. those flicks are hella tight
  10. damn i wish i had all that paint right now i got magnum 44 blue flo 3 cans of krylon black 2 white that all right now
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