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Everything posted by courtorder

  1. damn..gliks..that is dope, hahahahahahahah...is that a show? ive gotta see this
  2. for sure, that shit is hella fun...what kinda light do you use? i need to get another led..
  3. (I'm LaCosaNostra) onesecondple : yeah, that was awhile ago..i recently purchased a canona85 and im producing similar shots...its hard to keep everything straight...howd you manage to not get your body in the flick?
  4. You know you're gone when you see blood vessels in your periphereal.. Yo, that's some shit you just can't make up. It's gotta happen to you.....Leak leak leak Bros! :burn:
  5. wack attack, im zack as well....i think its got more to do with people on here having similar personalities though, like gliko said, fuck rain.
  6. i dont really like that shit...ewok did enough of it for me...that baboon shit is ill...
  7. mero my nigga thanks fr that shit..but i gota say that was garbage..shit wasnt even remotely funny so i went backto listenin to kiss of death
  8. GS/GZ!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111
  9. Nah nah, cain't do that...Ill post a snippet of somethin in a few minutes though..
  10. Google result for "el fusero": :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: I did 7 spots on Saturday night, I feel good.
  11. Hahaha, the quitser totally made them out to be yours a few pages afore.
  12. I think I'm just gonna talk heavy shit on this name.
  13. Yo, son, why you comin' all sideways wit me? :chicken:
  14. How come I cannot find the photo I had as my signature with LaCosaNostra anymore?
  15. Gattities, this is hilarious/awesome on so many levels. LaCosaNostra: courtorder:
  16. This is LaCosaNostra....For some fucked reason, I decided to change my current email address to gibberish, and then my password, too. Now I have no idea what the pass is, and no way to get it. :chicken: Gliks should do some magical, leet ass Crew shit and get it back to me. :chicken:
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