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Posts posted by remorseles

  1. Originally posted by The Insider@Mar 4 2006, 12:25 PM

    sorry guys, havent posted in a while, been busy.




    remorseles im liking those shots, the colors on the last one are sick. id like to see the original colors though.




    this thread is SICK!


    Thanks man, unfotunately the only thing i have left of that series is the ones posted, the original was just an ordinary digital picutre taken of down town city hall where i live. i was very impressed by those pictures and love them.

  2. Originally posted by shape1369@Mar 1 2006, 04:05 PM

    im not exactly sure where to go now. im gonna leave it alone for a day or two and come

    back and see what i can come up with. this is actually the first thing ive done in a while that

    i like. glad to see im not the only one for once... thanks for the comment


    One of my art teachers in school is always pushing us to challenge ourselves by asking how would it look if i do this or change this up. Just some words of encouragement i guess, but its a tight little peice...

  3. Originally posted by royaloner@Mar 13 2005, 06:00 PM

    royal1 infamous wipeable but irritating mud marker



    1.napkin or big leaf




    1.scoop the mud

    2.tag with it


    add some paint thinner or water to make it drip

    it is unbuffable when someone wipes it off u just do another 1 rite over it

    :king: :king: :king: :king: :king: :king: :king: :king: :king: :king: :king: :king: :king:


    thats the gayest thing ever. let me get a fucking leave and use it with mud? thats fucking gay...

  4. i was walking through stop and shop one day and i came across these wierd looking foam like things in a bag there were like 50 of them in one bag for a few bucks so bought it. they were foam and kept a good shape and held ink really nice try looking for what i am talking about they should be in the make up section although when i found them they were on and end cap near a register but thats what they are used for at least thats what my ex told me. shove them into the deoderant stick and see if they make a better nib.



  5. i wasnt sure if any one has tried this idea but it worked for me, i didnt read the whole thread so i am just going to post what i did. I came across some bingo markers the other day i took a look at them and thought that would be a ncie home made marker. so i racked a few and was very sucessful in my attempts to create one. this is what i did. i cut the bottom of the marker off. the one i have has a series of lines 6 to be exact that lead down to a flared out bottom. i cut it at the very top line let every thing empty out and cleaned out the inside. i then shortened the lenght of the p[eice you hold with your hands(you can do it to a size depending on the amount of ink you have or what your preference is) i then filled one with an india ink, and two with a red and blue refill for a pilot marker. i then shortened the bottom peice i cut offby a very small amount and slid it over the bottom the marker tube. once all the way down i then took a hot glue gun and glued the bottom shut (as long as it can hold the bottom in place feel free to use what ever just as long as it stays shut and doesnt leak out) i then was able to get the ink to run smoothly out the nib of the marker. works great. good luck with how ever you decide to do it. send me a message if you get it to work or if you have a question.



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