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Posts posted by dosa312

  1. Im not in the Dirty Dozen... and I bought all my tic-tacs off of porcelain and milk on ebay... but I don't get pommeled unless I do some really stupid shit (ie:the 400th chuck norris superthread I tried to make once)... you just need to choose carefully... and don't get all emotional if somebody drags you through the mud... it's what makes CH0 what it is.

  2. You learned to shit in 2000 in Hawaii? Crazy.


    As for me, I've been on "fuck it" mode for a while. I need to tighten up my game...I still make enough to get by and whatnot, but I wish I had taken things a little more seriously when they would have made a difference.


    Basically, I need to get a real job and stop living so close to the edge.


    :lol: Yeah... :lol:

  3. My biggest "Fuck It" was back in 2000. I went to Hawaii on vacation for a week... I fell in love with that fuckin place... one week after I got back I sold and gave away everything I had except a suitcase of clothes, drained my savings... and got on a plane. I stayed 5 years... of which the first 2 I didn't work at all... just hung out and learned to surf & shit.

  4. I think it was like 2nd or 3rd grade... but when the Thriller video came out... they gave us the option at lunch time to watch the thriller video over & over again or go play outside. EVERYONE watched the thriller video almost every day for a month until they stopped letting us.

  5. She has this whack show on Speed called Livin' The Low Life... it's supposed to be about the lowrider culture... but it's her walking around all flirty the whole time. If you haven't heard this bitch talk... it kills any looks she has... she sounds semi-retarded like Corky from Life Goes On. No lie.

  6. Also... Microsoft has announced that 360 users will be able to download the songs played on the radio during the game... while you are playing and listening to them... it'll be an option in the pause menu...


    I hope they have decent shit worth downloading.

  7. The exact tragedy to the GWB saga is that only 4 years before our government spent nearly 60 million dollars and two years attempting to impeach a president for cheating on his wife... and lying about it... and yet no one has ever mentioned the impeachment of GWB for far more serious acts against the U.S. in the name of the U.S.


    I've said it once... I'll say it again... "Come on Jodie Foster... inspire someone already."

  8. Quote:

    Originally Posted by Murdamyth (View Original Post)


    new jack..


    and i am a gangsta..

    a gangsta disciple from the 5 9 homie


    so now ur gonna try and snitch me out huh?



    Dosa312 replied:


    First of all... I give a fuck if you're a GD... than go be a GD, that's all good.. handle your shit... but don't come onto a graffiti website for graffiti writers talking a bunch of gangster shit. And don't get it twisted... no where in my post did I ever insinuate anything about snitching on anyone. If you see a snitch comment anywhere on that post than you are probably paranoid and need to stop listenin' to so much of the radio played fisher price... young/lil/solja/burg/joc/wayne shit. Handle your business on the streets... not on the internet... if you're for real than you know that you got corners to hold... so fuck talkin shit on the internet. I'm not gonna respond to anything else you post... because it defeats my original point in that this was a chill spot and should remain that way... if you're mad... whatever...that's your issue... go on the block and twist off on your enemies... not on the internet... where you face no repercussions...


    And for the record...every actual gangster I've ever known from the Chi (which is most of my family) would have said Bogus... not Lame... so your shit is suspect.


    No more chit chat from me... Im gonna work on some flicks to post.


    ^^I love the oontz because of the gangsters. ^^


    And for the record Murda... CH0 is where all the shit talking should be... not in the paint threads... so now that it's here... I'm cool with you :lol:

  9. Thanks Harvey. i'm putting this shit on my resume!


    i can see my next interview already:


    "So Mr.Broclo, it says here you were rookie of the year on 12ozprophet.com, what did that mean to you"


    "it means show me your tits or get the fuck out!! ppppooowwwwwnnnn'd"




    And for the record... I like all you nerds on CH0. It's nice to know there are people more fucked up than me trolling the yards :lol:

  10. The McRib is ok once in a while... but last time I was home in Chicago.. the Mcd's had this steak, onion, & cheese bagel sandwich that was one of the greatest eating experiences of my life... although I could hear my arteries crying out in angst the entire time.

  11. The courts and city governments will sometimes use urban celebrities in this manner as public speakers to try and deter youth... so to avoid jail time such celebrities will agree to speak out against their mistakes at schools and what not, and reach an audience that can identify with them in a way that the rollers can't... so it's a much better deal for the state to give them community service than jail time.

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