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Posts posted by dosa312

  1. Paranoid: Moderate

    Schizoid: High

    Schizotypal: High

    Antisocial: High

    Borderline: Low

    Histrionic: Moderate

    Narcissistic: High

    Avoidant: Low

    Dependent: Low

    Obsessive-Compulsive: High


    I answered honestly. But Lamictal has helped me with a lot of these issues.

  2. Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence and fulfills the duty to express the results of his thought in clear form.


    - Einstein



    This next one is from my favorite book and it is something I repeat to myself every day of my life.


    On the steps of the scaffold death tears off the mask that has been worn through life and the real visage is disclosed.

    The Count of Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas

  3. nah, her voice isnt too manly. she kicks it at my bar and hella dudes dont know she has a dick.


    she told me shes really into football, so thats cool, ya know? we both have a dick and like the oregon ducks, so we have shit in common....


    Not to resurrect an old thread but at least you can be sure it's not this so that's a plus haha ^^^

  4. Soup... I say do what makes you happy and dip out to Hawaii. Back in 2000 I sold everything I had and took a five year vacation to Hawaii where all I did was chill and go fish. It's not a bad life if you're cool with simplifying. I eventually had to get back to normal life but it was well worth the experience.

  5. I only caught the very end of this. Back Story: In downtown there is this clique of about 10 guys that call themselves the Taco Bell Crips because they chill outside this Taco Bell downtown. True story... I'm not making this shit up. So they like to mob on random Hispanic cats a lot of times for whatever reason and this day they decided to hop five deep on this one kid that was maybe 13. Turns our his older brother was somebody and so he called him and little while later like 20 cats that must have been the original models for the Homies toy collection rolled up and caught two of the so-called "crips" out. The best part of this clip is at the last minute when the chollos all start to dip out you see two black cats holler "Ay cuz" and then run into the shot. Well... they were standing there the whole time watching their boys get mobbed and didn't do shit until the other cats started to run off.


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  6. Suki... I would just keep my ears open when being social. You can usually come across someone who is prescribed and if you're straight up with them, in my experience, they tend to be open to hooking you up with a few for a situation like flying or something. I get certain things for my migraines this way when I don't have the drive to see the doc. I'm with Casek though on staying away from the online route. Besides the DEA you are likely to end up with something that will make you really sick.

  7. My personal belief is that the soul is the true self and you go through this and many other existences gaining wisdom and thus educating the soul through experience. That's why some people have it easy and some have it hard... the souls are at different points of the education path. Once the soul has gained it's full knowledge it becomes one with everything. The basis is that everything is made up of energy, atoms, etc and therefore somewhat connected. Once an enlightened soul has become complete with knowledge it's done (a sort of heaven/final peace). You can come back as anything up to that final point though as all things are made of the same basic elements at their smallest levels. I also use this concept to justify a belief in ESP, super-intelligence, paranormal, etc. Those souls are just further along the line. This reasoning allows me to understand and accept all things good or bad equally because I see them all as knowledge gaining experience and so I don't really see bad or good... I just see life and the right now.

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  8. I would take a five gallon bucket of lubricant and soak the aisles, then press record on the security cameras and hide out until the melee was over after which I would take the security tape footage and sell the dvd as Hood Fights number 49 and get rich off of suburban kids with voyeuristic tendencies for the ghetto. My resulting riches would then be drained by lawyers fighting off the lawsuits of human rights organizations and I would die penniless and lonely.


    Seriously though... chainsaw, gas, and a first aid kit.

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