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Posts posted by dosa312

  1. Oh shit!!! Im watching my e-fame flourish!! Gimme da' props so I can take it up a notch!!! BAM!!! I'll get ya' back when Im not 24'd.


    And Casek??? Are you posting your homemade shit son!?!

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    I have been battered and crushed on the oz... and I've laughed all the way... I like to take all of your shit talk, and use it on my friends like it's original... and they think Im mad funny & creative. So thanks oz. And this poll should be in brick slayers for real... "SEE: Chicago, Baltimore, Denver threads for reference" Everybody in brick slayers gets butt hurt. :lol:

  3. I fell out at the Marky Mark "you got the touch" shit from Boogie Nights!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!


    Oh... and straight from the 70's... Dr. Hook "It took seven months of splurgin' just to get the local virgin..." CLASSIC!!!

  4. I've got hitman blood money... but I got it for only like 19 bucks used so you'd be taking a loss... have you checked trade value? I take my old games and if I can't sell 'em I trade them in and reserve the new shit.

  5. I propped Destroying, War, Aids, and Grimey.


    I am now off to arm wrestle this Lucha Libre that jacked me for my cans and shoelaces at the Burlington yards this weekend... winner gets a party at Chuck-E-Cheese as well as the other guys car. And I've always wanted a 1981 Honda Accord with orange fleck tint and spinner hubcaps.

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  6. gaaah damn... aahhh wooo son of a gah... i didnt make it.. jeezus what the fuck....i seen fools shot point blank in the head and i still didnt flinch... but this is wow

    bme pain olympics


    Im fucking hesitating watching this... any time someone whos been on the ounce for a while says they had a hard time watching something... I really stop and say, "Wait... Why??? This shit must be really fucked."


    Someone else watch it and tell me what it is.

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