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graff goon

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Posts posted by graff goon

  1. damn... i hope dude drank a ton of distilled water after scrubbing himself off with a metal brush. there is a line i refrain from crossing to this drawing on passed out people shit


    also, i have been thinking about what moogle said days ago - having a "thing" with ones SN; an identity, or a trait of expressive character that others know said SN by... i dont know why, but i genuinely enjoy typing like a snobby old man who doesnt believe in contractions. for now, im going to stop because it got tiring as a motherfucker. still going to do the "&" thing (even though its another "thing") - i still enjoy that. this was a clarification of my really cool story - a metamorphosis, if you will. i didnt want anyone to be profoundly confused afterward... not that any of you care/it actually matters


    if he was smart hed spray himself with some good ol pam cooking spray and the paint will come right off. then take a shower with dish soap.. but fucking with passed out people is a free ticket to get fucked up in my book

  2. Man some crazy shit happened while benching this shit today. So I am at my usual benching spot and I see this punk cop peeping me out , but I pay him no mind. I only got to flick a few before I turn around and see 4 other squads coming at me. Sure enough I ditch the few caps I have on me and u better believe them pigs vamped all crazy. They start telling me that I cant take pics because of some national security shit and start searching me and looking through my camera. Luckily I took out all the recent graff and only had these few.....so I hope everyone enjoys the little b.s I flicked and more coming soon. Thank you for listening to my bitching..... now the pics








    yea that will happen to you at that spot. it happened to someone i know not long ago there.

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