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Everything posted by runci

  1. i dont no wot u are sayin... do u want some1 to do a sketch for u.. ure not gonna get better by gettin people to sketch for u.. gush
  2. ges wot ive done another one... yeh i was thinking about getting it but my parents pc has paintshop pro sumfin alredy installed on it so im just gonna use that and paint for now... anyway any critisicm ?? gush
  3. heres another ms paint skecth.. im starting to like ms paint its a change from paper and suits the style im doing.. all comments welcome gush aka runci
  4. heres a sketch i did on ms paint.. feedback welcome gush
  5. heres an old unfinished sketch i found in my maths book.. ;) what do u guys think of it anyway.. u think i should write this style?? guuuush aka runci
  6. alot of people said my g and s looked the same so I tried to change em feedback welcome guuush aka runci
  7. heres an update critiscicm (sp?) welcome be as hard as you like guuuuuuush aka ruuuuuuunci :yuck:
  8. not been sketchin for a while properly... but am off next week so thatll give me sum free time.. heres sum throwies nufin special guuuuuuuuuuuuuuush :yuck:
  9. vare: its meant to be drop shadow japan man: i woodnt say im usin a lot of effects just basic 3d n stuf guuuush :yuck:
  10. didnt get any advice in the toys therad so i though i would try here.. some simples guuuuuush :yuck:
  11. bumped for sum feedback guush :yuck:
  12. just a page of simples.. do u fink there gd enuf 2 be put up advice and feedback welcome... guuuuuuuush :yuck:
  13. im feelin this sketch.. and the hand i like aswelll niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice guuuuuuuuuuush :yuck:
  14. i like that green one nice n simple gush :yuck:
  15. I decided 2 jus use my fone to take the pics so thats y there bit blurry... new style i was tryin (forgot the highlights on the 'h') dont no if i have posted this before alll feedback criticsm welcome guuuuuuush :yuck:
  16. There wont be an update cos im waitin for ma cam 2 get fixed... so ull just have to wait for myfaaaaaaaaaabulous sketches :huh2: gush :yuck:
  17. yeh laps man hes up everywhere... got a new sketch it jus needs colored be up shortly gush scn - styyle cooomes naturaaaaaly
  18. yeh the scenes pretty good in glasgow but theres a load of toys wreckin shit but all an all its good.. who you know from glasgow??? gush :yuck:
  19. im from glasgow.. not painted atall yet but shood be sooon... once i get sum cash and its hard 2 get paint cos none of the shops sell 2 under 16.. ill do a sketch n maybe have it up in an hour to 2 im off skool 2moro so ill be sketchin most of the day so expect 2 see a wee update 2moro.... gush :yuck:
  20. im likin this.. its been sed before but lose that arrow and that will be lookin good... where bouts the uk u from??? ohh and mistery just try simples copy fonts and u dont need to aadd loads of extras.... enywayz im prob tokin shite.. an ill have another sketch up l8r.. peace gush :yuck:
  21. thanks for the comments... where u from.. i hate being from the uk cause the times are different so i have 2 wait hours for replies... gush :yuck:
  22. Done these last night... sorry for the poor quality of the pic its from ma phone and its too expensive to have to send another one... enywayz enuf excuses :rolleyes: plz give me feedback.. :yuck: runci :yuck:
  23. yeh they r but it was quik n so i was sloppy.. im goin back to simples for a while as im going to start using paint.. gush aka runci
  24. never got eny advice criticism so ive posted them again... gush
  25. 2 really quik simples very untidy not all the same size just wanted to post them up anyway.. gush
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