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Everything posted by runci

  1. cant really comment as that looked like it took u 5 seconds or less.. post up sumfin that took a wee bit longer... guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush
  2. any more tips like should i paint a base color or enyfin..
  3. yeh i jus bought a resp came yesterday.. well fanks for the advice... eny feedback on my sketches? runci aka gush
  4. i was using a vanishin point but i dont fink it looked that good.. fanks for the feedback.. im paintin the inside of ma garage soon n that will be my first attempt at paint...so wot type of caps shood i get (ino theres a thread but a cant find it) eny help well appreciated runci
  5. not posted in a while... heres a new word im writin... gush give me feedback runci a.k.a gush
  6. really simple the pics a bit blurry but its from my fone. runci
  7. fanks man, im still young (grand old age of 13) so ive got a gd many years left in me.. when i see my stuff on the internet the arrows look like shit so im droppin them and goin as simple as i can... anyway fanks for the comment runci
  8. got new pens n here is a few sketches with them.. keng keng comk what name do u think is better comk/keng.. im thinkin comk comments all welcome. runci
  9. 2 simple sketches... all feedback appreciated and another one runci
  10. heres a real quikie keng
  11. im back my pc has been fuked for the last couple of months... Joker: thanks for the advice.. the lines are jagged because when i resized the pic it got fuked.. anyway the advice was well apreciated... InfamousOne: i dont write never...its just a word runci
  12. here are sum new styles... dont write either of them... never steven the pics r blurry but am waitin to get ma scanner fixed.. runci...
  13. and another skecth in that same style.... eny critique welcome.... don't write zade...seem to be sayin that alot ;) runci...
  14. Ehh fanks 4 the quik response.... The second one is just a new style i was muckin about with.... Ill work on them n post back...but for just now heres some more (not so good) don't write dare don't write tumo either.. Runci
  15. dont write invade random word not colored n dont write runci either jus ma name... eny critique gd or bad welcome.... runci
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