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Everything posted by runci

  1. unfinished sketch.. ses steven my green died on me
  2. heres soemthin i did wen bored... ses hundred proof...
  3. quik somethin on paint for a battle on bs
  4. sketch for a girl at schoool.. not colored it yet... any comments
  5. i like it... only thing that i would say is that the c looks like a z but other than that its nice... lovint the background! props
  6. right man chill.. i might a phrased it wrong but it reminded me of fable's a.. and yes i know people's letters will look similar but it just reminded me of his style... anyway chill
  7. any comments want me to get a pic then...
  8. looks like u bit fable's a.. and also ur nothin sepcial so dont be tellin people to die...
  9. unfinished quik sketch... no 3d...
  10. put in the letters cos i had tyo use a ballpoint pen for the outline n blakc so the letters arent that clear int he pic
  11. think of names that are unusual..
  12. can any one give me help to change it.. someone said somethin bout the t could anyone expand on that n tell me in more detail... anyway peace runci
  13. well i like my pieces to be symmetrical... so do u like it or wot?/
  14. simple sketch for a new name im thinkin of writin
  15. heres soemthin else done on photoshop...
  16. who was that directed at???
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