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dead sentiment

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Everything posted by dead sentiment

  1. -putting a whole tortilla in the toaster to eat with salsa b/c you ran out of chips.
  2. wouldnt it make sense to rack something more expensive than paint to do this? Quoted post [/b] yes it would, thats why its really ghetto to return the paint for food.
  3. DUST IS FOR FOOLS!!! Happy Birfday. p.s. this bowl of resin is for you ;)
  4. -returning racked paint to superwalmart for a store credit so you can buy food.
  5. -stealing toilet paper for your apartment from a public restroom.
  6. lazy cunt, wash a fuckin dish for god's sake. Quoted post [/b] i wasnt refering to myself. half of that list is stuff i've seen or ghetto shit my friends have done, "just to get by." insults really aren't necessary.
  7. i agree with you about compatibility. but seriously the way a man treats you accounts for a lot. it's less about what they say and more about the things that they do to prove how they feel. when someone cares about you, they don't even have to say it, you'll know by their actions. chivalry is important, but its never gonna make you like someone unless there is chemistry to begin with. and as an example, there could be a guy that you're totally into, but he treats you like shit, would you get with him anyway?
  8. ^^haha.. i've always wanted the twist to my matokie slaughter, or the john lennon to my yoko ono... but i'm a hopeless romantic.
  9. ding ding ding! you win. but as far as technology surpassing us, anything's possible....
  10. this is pretty on-point. -chivalry is huge. opening doors and stuff like that. besides being a panty-dropper, chivalry will make a girl fall for you because it's a sign of respect. (i know a guy who opened a sliding glass door for me; stood to the side for me to walk in ahead of him... opened my car door when he had a broken back... stuff like that = whoa!) -a good sense of humor is also key. make a girl laugh all the time, and you're in.
  11. dead sentiment

    i admit

    i admit to: -only doing actual work at my job about 40% of the time, if even that much. -thoroughly enjoying having my toes sucked. -being under the influence of marijuana about 60% of the day (depending on what my responsibilities are) -going to the beach topless (and letting someone take a picture once) :spent:
  12. why do i get parking tickets every night for parking on the street? why can't the police find something better to do?
  13. its been hours, why have i still not studied for my exam? why???
  14. waahhh... i have a final tomorrow that i haven't studied for.
  15. The complaining thread. why don't i have a sugar daddy who pays my rent and gives me money, but lets me do whatever i want? why???
  16. Beat Your Kids How come everyone today is too much of a pussy to smack their kids around? That's what I want to know: why are parents afraid to beat their kids? When I was a kid and I screwed up, my parents beat my ass. We didn't have a conversation about it. I didn't have a "time out." In fact, I've never even once been grounded in my life. What's the point? Send your kid to his room and make him play video games and read comic books all day? Great idea, why don't you take him to a psychiatrist while you're at it so she can pull some disorder out of her ass to hide the fact that you're a bad parent? Kids today need a good beating every now and then. If you don't beat your kids when they fall out of line, the next thing you know your son will go off and bang some dude in the ass just out of spite. You tell them to clean their room, they say "no," you smack them. It's simple; it works. Don't listen to these assholes on TV with their bullshit hippy psycho babble; if they had it their way, every child would be raised in a pastel colored room with Philip Glass pumped through the speakers 24 hours a day. Then again, it might not be all that bad because it will make your kids complacent, so it won't be as hard for them to swallow when they realize that they'll be spending the rest of their lives chained to a desk in a cubicle writing reports to make someone else rich. The problem is that kids today think their opinions matter. By not beating your kids, they get a skewed perspective of reality where they start thinking that they have it rough and that they can get away with dying their hair and listening to Insane Clown Posse. That's where you need to come in and put the law down. To help you, the negligent parent, I've put together a guide to smacking your kids for your convenience (hint: you may want to even print this guide up and hang it on your fridge as a reminder to both you and your kids). Here are some useful techniques: Five across the eyes. This is a very basic maneuver and usually enough to cover most situations when your child is out of line. Simply put four fingers tightly together and either leave the thumb off to the side or fold it behind the other four fingers. Then smack your kid across the face with the back of your hand. Now this is the tricky part: make sure to snap your wrist just before contact otherwise you won't get a stinging effect. Very important because you don't want to risk letting your kid think you're a pussy. The sucker punch. Just ask the question "hey, what's that on your shirt?" and when they look down, bust their lip. You need to do this every now and then to keep them guessing. Don't ever let them off the hook. Just because they're not doing anything wrong doesn't mean that they didn't do something wrong earlier that you weren't aware of. The yard stick. Or for those of you who don't use the arbitrary American system, this is also known as "the meter stick." This is a good general purpose beating because the stick usually doesn't last beyond three or four good whacks--usually enough to send the message. The one-two shut-the-hell-up. This is priceless when you're shopping and your kid won't shut the hell up: "I'm hungry, I want toys, I need my Insulin..." etc. First smack your kid (the 5 across the eyes technique works). Wait a few seconds for your kid to start crying, then smack your kid again to let him know that you mean business. This usually shuts them up because they see that the amount of crying is proportional to the amount of beatings. The 2 x 4 / PVC pipe. If you do your job as a parent, this should never have to be administered. This is for heavy duty jobs only (ie. any time your kid comes home and begins a sentence with "she might be pregnant..." or "I can _____ if I want to..." where the blank can be any of the following: smoke, have sex, experiment with drugs, watch Oprah, etc). Usually the threat of this beating is enough to keep your kid from screwing up. The Dragon Kick. If you're interested in a permanent solution to your child giving you lip about washing the dishes, cleaning his or her room or filing your tax return, then the Dragon kick might be the technique for you. I guarantee that you will only have to ask once after the Dragon kick has been administered. The skull thump. A quick blow usually dealt to the side or back of the head. Simply flick them in the head with your finger. An alternative is to smack your child up side the head with your palm. Very useful for teaching your child to read when he or she makes a mistake. Hitting your child when he or she is learning builds confidence, or undermines confidence--I can't remember which. The one-handed chauffeur reach around. A quick reach around while you're driving to smack your kid and his friends too if they disrespect. Swerve the car back and forth for the full effect. The cane intercept. If you're too old to chase your kid around the house, use the handle of your cane to trip him if he tries to get away. When he gets up, poke him in the head a few times to let him know who's boss. There you have it. Use these basic techniques to discipline your child if you want him or her to turn out to be a success story like me. Here's how to tell if you've fulfilled your obligations as a parent: Remember: never take shit from your kids. You make payments on the house, utilities, their clothes, school, and their food. You own them. If they don't like it, they can move out. If you love your kids, love them enough to beat them so that they don't grow up to be idiots. BEST WEBSITE EVER.
  17. girls don't pretend like nothing happened, they need issues to be addressed. chances are that she'll forgive you, just call her again and tell her you were drunk and blacked out.
  18. so i'm on the third day in a row of listening to the smiths, and only the smiths... i'm still not sick of them. "some classics"
  19. and i wouldn't consider it that you "ripped on me," you were e-hating like a million other tuff guys behind a computer screen. and honestly, i could really care less. i just know that my fans love it when i give them a little attention.
  20. no seriously, you're still a faggot.
  21. i would say that's udd... udd real.
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