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Everything posted by PUMPKIN ESCOBAR

  1. I love small wheels. But I like riding soft ones so I'll pick up a set of 52 mms blanks from the shop and ride those things till they're dead. Its freezing out here right now too, but my dad's house was blessed with an unfinished basment so I session down there. I heard Muska is riding for Puma now or something since he quit Circa. And the last couple of Shorty's deck graphics have been amazing.
  2. I think skating fakie in general helps you get tricks down faster. Whenever I'm struggling with something and I'm on the verge on focusing my board I just start trying it fakie and usually get it down. Frontside half cab heels seem to flow better as well.
  3. I just look at varials flips like pop shove its ver 2.0. You just flick your toe and jump a little higher and you got it. Kickflips were bitch, I always landed with my front foot off my deck. I learned heelflips first. and 360 flips, man...I need to work on those.....altough my 360 shoves kind of half flip somtimes.
  4. 12:02 PM may recognize this park.... My boy JP knocking out a frontside boardslide.
  5. I learned ollies pretty fast, but flips were a fucking pain in the ass. I learned varial flips before kickflips for some reason too.
  6. No. . Plan on getting hurt alot. Quoted post [/b] And being extremely frustrated...but stick with it if you do, landing a trick you've been trying for weeks is such a great feeling.
  7. Thats rough man. I rolled my right ankle 3 weeks ago and was skating the day after and the swelling never went down and now I rolled my left one today.....so I'll be on the couch with a bag of ice for a while.
  8. They still sell those tail devils or whatever in CCS. WHY? Who rides that nonsense.
  9. I just bought a new chocolate for some reason. I was working on my frontside cabs and I'm now the proud owner of two rolled ankles.
  10. I know a kid who can bust them.....but he has a crazy ego when it comes to skating so of course it's "HOW CAN YOU NOT DO THEM MAN?" http://stores.ebay.com/WSTWO-Cheap-Skatebo...Q3aFQ3aSTQQtZkm Anybody every buy decks from ebay like this? This person has a whole skate store and sells decks for crazy cheap in 3, 4 and 5 packs...are they warped or what? I don't want to drop cash on em only to find out their the shit boards the distributors got rid of.
  11. stance:goofy bitch flatground -ollie -Heelflip, fakie heelflip -backside 180s (all fucking day) -f/s and b/s half cabs -b/s big spins -varial heels/ varial flips -frontside shoves( I love doing these so much for some reason) -b/s half cab flips/heel flips -POP shove its -nollie -fakie 360 f/s shove I like skating fakie because my switch game is so wack Ledges: -f/s nose slide -f/s tail slide -f/s 5050 -f/s crookie monster Rails: -b/s lipslide -f/s boardslides -b/s half cabs to board slides are always fun I suck at manual tricks and mini ramp. Shit I'm trying to put the hammer down on this year: f/s big spin laserflip hardflip(if I got these on lock I'd be so stoked)
  12. I'm the exact opposite. But for flatground tricks I tend to pop more backside tricks, frontisde is twice as hard for me, expecpt frontside shoves and heel varials.
  13. Maybe this will clear up what I'm saying..... Frontside half cab.........but if this was nollie it'd be labeled nollie backside 180. Why flip the names for nollie when nollie is just switch fakie
  14. In the three or so odd years i've been skating, i've never figured this out, why does nearly every single ad I see mislabel nollie b/s and f/s*? *180s, not grinds
  15. I believe he was going for a back tail.....the best part is when he gets up and goes 'hollllleeeee shiiiiiiiit"
  16. I like to skate in the Adidas campus from time to time, those are fresh as hell. I just watched that Round 3 and I'm so hyped right now, Greg Lutza and Chris Haslam are the numba one stunnas for sure, the whole team is sick. A lot of creative skating in that video.
  17. UPS just dropped off my new almost deck and a fresh pair of reynolds 2 today. I'm psyched. Penny is on "Supra" now, its some new company coming up, Erik Ellington bailed from Emerica to get on too.
  18. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=612706775078907545 New es video trailer 'y'es' Penny quit es so he won't be in it....and I keep seeing rumors that Koston is jumping ship to Lakai so his footage won't be in it as well.
  19. Is that you? ^^^^nozaki? Badass flicks EarMuffs....especially that backside crooks and ollie over the buckets.
  20. That vancouver skate plaza is fucking amazing!! Goddamn. I just threw my orions in the garbage and slapped on some new Ventures. I love those trucks.


    Yo that;s fucking disgusting man.....putting your dirty ass shoes on your bed.
  22. The holidays depress me, I'm drunk for the first time in 4 years.
  23. That sucks, I just dipped out of the Boston area a llittle while back....the park I go to around here has at least 5 fruit booters at any given time, kids that just hang out on the half pipe(no board, bike, or blades, they just slide down the ramps on their asses) and little kids that share a pair of rollerbaldes and take a seat on the rails, boxes and banks as soon as you're 6 inches away from popping your board...
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