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Everything posted by infamouscraze

  1. damn... all the clockworks are ill, but i gotta give it to wets... he really brought it... and for the shamu battle its goin to edogg for sheer creativness with that m...
  2. i can't vote for the skate battle... wets and xipes are both so fucking amazing... atoe movie and i dont' remember the rest... ill vote later... now its time to paint...
  3. Worry less about the add ons and extensions and more about the basic letter form. A million well executed extensions and ad ons mean nothing if your letters aren't good. Quoted post [/b] your piece doesn't look bad... but i think thats because you can't actually make it out... i agree with TheArchitect... work on your letter forms...
  4. hahaha... yeah... destroy for spite... and edoggs right... stick to your battle type...
  5. hahaha... sorry bout that... my comp froze so i kept clicking it to see if that shit would post up... whoops... :haha: :haha: :rolleyes:
  6. xipe for theft... i dunno... throwin in that elephant and just the general flow of it is really on... hot shit man...
  7. xipe for theft... i dunno... throwin in that elephant and just the general flow of it is really on... hot shit man...
  8. xipe for theft... i dunno... throwin in that elephant and just the general flow of it is really on... hot shit man...
  9. damn... so many enters... but i think the most original ones are kazi's and fat caps... but yours, fat cap, looks like ener just with some yellow thing behind it... my votes for kazi... and edoggs was close, but ive seen you do much better...
  10. are all those scores just for the straight letter??? or the pieces too???
  11. hahaha... it can't be your fault... onheres did it right... and it says it right... but i agree that one letter mixed up shouldn't discredit the whole piece... i just thought it was funny...
  12. hahaha... you did it too... how can he have competition if you can't spell the word right... j/k... its tight...
  13. hahaha... this was a tournement... and i don't think with only 2 posts you were apart of it or in the upperclass... and the word is mitnal.. not mintal...
  14. question... are the ppl who submitted their pieces last week gonna get the extra points you talked about... cause man i could use em to make up for that goose tag... ahahaha...
  15. damn... did this thread die or somethin...
  16. ;) :huh2: damn it... you can't see my ixtab symbol on the b... to small i guess... ahh well...
  17. hahaha... thanks... i really like it... ijust think the letters seem a little to far apart and it kind throws the flow off... but im workin on a few things to tighten it up a bit...
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