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Everything posted by E_B_A

  1. Case in point, the last post on this thread was April 5th.
  2. I dunno how it is different, other than the activity. Part of the reason I didn't come back like "hey everyone! What's up!" was strictly because this place is kind of dead. I was hoping to catch anyone who came up in here trying to see something. So, our main difference is that just in the tiny user base we got so far, everyone is active. I would LOVE to shut it down and see this place popping again. No joke. It just isn't.Maybe that's Instagram's fault. I don't know. Which means, yeah, my forum probably ain't going to grow bigger either. To be honest, I started it mainly out of response to Bombing Science. At one point, they got so overrun with spammers and scammers that you couldn't see any of the regular threads. At the end of the day, I want there to be a few options for people. Not just one place. Back in the day, all of the forums kind of had their own flavors, and that grew out of time. So, why should you join? Because the flicks pages get updated every day. The battles get refreshed regularly and people talk to each other. We are small right now. Hopefully, we will grow, and co-exist. (also, the "Bangyard" name comes from me already owning the domain. That's it. I used to run a hip hop group called "Bangyard Bullies.") Anyway...
  3. Yeah... it is kind of spammy I guess. I was trying to keep it to just the main threads different people might go to. But if you look at my profile, you'll see i have been an active and supportive member of this site for a very long time. I was also a user on Pure Graffiti back in the day and very active on Bombing Science. Matter of fact, I think you and I have exchanged in the very distant past, if memory serves. Anyway, I am hoping to get a vibrant community going. If you know a better way to get the word out, I am all ears. I am not out to hurt 12 oz or anyone. I ain't selling anything.
  4. Wow is this thread ever dead as a door nail… Instagram has taken over.
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