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Everything posted by vare_one

  1. letters still not in full proportion mate middle of the S bottom of the E I is ok T the right top bar doesnt match with the bottom line of the bar 3d went wrng on the T missd the 3d on the top of I handstyle needs work in my eyes! i prefered the one with no colour it was blazin go back n stay on that!!
  2. dope characters! loving that red outline second bottom thats fresh ! so we both loose privalige to write vare lmao aw well what fuk ......... best get my steez out the closet then son! rematch sorry to leave it so late but i want them in by tonight and the owrd is obviously VARE get your steez on sanders! may the best man win!
  3. rematch more time what u say sanders give me time to get my battles letters out! your call!
  4. ^^^^^ i still cant waitfor the outcome from this battle hope its still on !!!
  5. few from me any crits and comments welcome id like to know whats right n wrong!
  6. yeah well ugly or not im not bothered i battled thats the main thing could of done better but didnt see a real point after seeing what i was up against!
  7. vare_one


    ^ your A reminds me of caps A for some reason but there nothing alike dope throw btw!
  8. exchange was good freak liked man Vs are a bitch but the only way i see there a bitch is to style i mean 2 straight bars not much i can see can be done ! bar revolt who took the piss on the V im really not bothered what goes down with the vare battle all i can say is FUK THAT to loosin the tag im gonna write it for along time yet! never mind what anyone else seys i get ya politics on the bits aswell was just added for the crak i think!
  9. A5 son full page in my eyes! we dnt all use a4 son! and who sed anything about a train!
  10. proportion dude! summat from last month never liked it but will post it anyway !
  11. old skool as it gets back to star wars infact i got better stuff than this dunno why i bothered! could of posted me other stuff n left it at that!
  12. if your referin to is there one of me well ive seen picture on google of a candian vare who doesnt write any more as far as im aware of and one who used to write vare in us who now writes summat else its so hard to tell now adays though which tags are taken n which are not my principle is if some one has been painting your tag for years and then uve just picked it up its a bit of a diss in my eyes thats all i get onto these cats for trying to make them original instead of taken ya nah mean!
  13. u sed tomorrow but ill give u benifit of the doubt u can post first tomorrow freind as i got summat just up your street i think!
  14. haha :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :burn: :burn: ah heres my simple for quasi hawaiian exchange ya guessed it!
  16. i dont think he was joking either its pretty bad work from basic letter structure first then stylise them letters thats how many do it it will come again with time!
  17. CRAVE AND GUESS WHO you got it in one ANOTHER CRAVE!
  18. i quite like that life to tell the truth its inspiring to see such a piece and for biro and foto quality its good only thing you might get picked at for is the letter observation and by that i mean (how the letters are not as obvious as they might seem ) maybe make them a little bit more simpler ! props though i liked it !
  19. theres already a siner who is in the graffiti world bible and he is a legend id say both of you and probably anyone else writin sina siner sinz or sin so why dont u both just drop the name? Quoted post hahahaha No thankx i will wright what i fucking wanna Ppl up my ends dont mind and i dont think its got fuck all to do with u what i wright! Quoted post [/b] ppl up your ends probably dont even bother what u write or wether u write at all but if u write sinner u gotta live up to the standards i think! this is the standard have fun ^^^^
  20. its love that makes the world go round and its also love who writes love in berlin as far as i know!! check stylefiles out for his werk!
  21. oh yeah going celtic thats far original ive never seen celtic graffiti! OH AND REND TOP dog mate thats fire!
  22. theres already a siner who is in the graffiti world bible and he is a legend id say both of you and probably anyone else writin sina siner sinz or sin so why dont u both just drop the name?
  23. werd i get what u saying as i only come and go if theres words i like i dont battle with the big boys if i can help it also lol!!!
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