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Everything posted by vare_one

  1. werd i think a few heds have decided its where they need to be to get things moving again!
  2. yeah edogg them looking fresh mate hope it helped heres summat from last week i just found again was only a mess around so no need to crititise if u dnt want to and this one for the FILL not the letters. and this one ive just drew up for both !!
  3. what he sed would werk i reckon go for some full on blues man baby blues lime greens shit like that should make it go blam!!!
  4. yeaaaa nerd fresh man that second one got me dribbling insom first picks a bit blury mate but looks k second one the fill kinda overtakes the letters like one of my old ones i done a while back trav o this seys false icons right ? just pull that L outt more its hididng behind the A or the A is pushed further over to much but good over all on proportion part from the middle of the S keep hitting the books boys!!
  5. thats my trouble either i start or finish to small or too big !!!!
  6. little bit from me for today not too keen on it all myself but thort id post it any way
  7. edogg - beer gingerbread man - peanut darthvandal - rust edogg -fezel xipe = state your name Ebaddestofthemall - blaze quezyfunk - socks
  8. remik work it take alook at other peoples handys and get some inspiration on what other people do and try some different bits n bobs out etc etc
  9. bottom letters a E above is an G if im right DARK!
  10. jank mate looking good zero im going with jank on this constant same width throughout man nice hand there by nerd same your letters go from fat to thin like your S and your A i dont see why . best letter there is the E mate keep them like that edogg that penguin is fresh u hit the spot with that man try this site mate dunno exaclty if they do shading but theres alot of character sketching help from here http://saveloomis.org/ 420 id say maybe get your final black outline from letters sharper all over that could make it look a bit cleaner in my eyes.
  11. like the first one of i dig and same i not feeling this one bit mate just not really at all to my liking take time with your new style of letters they will come thru alot stronger trust me! time+ effort= good work
  12. one toes grey and one toes white lol and the sketch i wouldnt say is brilliant work on more proportion mate
  13. nice socks haha see what u mean by the letters nice sketch btw
  14. now now that is just a heap of jumbled shapes cus i cant find one letter in there at all? did any one just hear the WERD "SIMPLE" just then!! :smiles:
  15. tag thread ? :) i cnt get hold of any fotos of that other lads stuff remik so just carry on im sure i was just deluded!
  16. nothing really similar in retrospect with rwk and dlove's work sense them simples are dope the first is well proportionized melo like the first one remik that RE looks similar to a vare from usa i know on hundredproof forums named craniga go check him out to make sure ur not geting into summat u dont wanna get into. amek i like the canvas but not keen on the sketch
  17. d love go with the scond two and make them into paste ups they would look dope mate four twenty diggin that style smear diggin the hand style not the pieces so much naiveville diggin the stencils and sketches keep it up
  18. always the same tags i see appearin man dont they ever find a sweet tag one that ent ever used ! ITS ALWAYS zest blaze doze etc etc etc etc go for a different tag ! summat that will challange ya brain!
  19. cheers weev man actually looking at it now the A is fukt lol but not gonna paint it yet got lots more to werk on it yet
  20. 3d a bit shody as i couldnt be really asked but its not bad the v could do with thining out at the top proportion piece rong maybe!
  21. you wanna 3d one a 3d one u will get bro be back shortly
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